The most terrifying torture!

Mo minglan's aura suddenly dropped and weakened in an instant!

At the same time, the pale white bone curtain suddenly opened, revealing the half-transparent pale white flower branches on the Imperial pill.

Among the flowers, a black throne stood quietly.

A figure in luxurious clothes was sitting on it. His silver hair was high and piled up like clouds. His hair was tied up in a bun with pearls and Jade. In the middle of his hair was a small pearl crown. The Pearl pearls were enshrouding his hair, and it was as blurry as fog. It was like a soft Halo blooming at the top of his hair.

Her wide sleeves dragged on the ground, and her waist was as slender as a Willow. Under her skirt was black smoke. Her entire body was as clear as crystal, and her black eyes were as dark as the night.

The cold and terrifying pressure was so real that it made people's breathing stop!