Don't even think of leaving for a lifetime!

The netherworld.

Ying city.

In the backyard of the city Lord's mansion.

The huge Lake was as smooth as a mirror. The lake was filled with blood, and a sweet smell permeated the air.

There was no island in the lake, but in the center of the lake stood a huge black tree as large as a mountain.

The tree didn't have any leaves. It only had bare branches. The branches were dense and thin, like a large net that stretched into the void. It was like a canopy that covered the entire Lake.

There were stars on the branches, and fruits of different sizes hung on them.

All of the fruits were crystal clear, as if they were carved out of crystal. Their eyes were closed, and they looked like the heads of countless beautiful young girls in deep sleep.

As the blood Qi rushed into the sky, the fruit was red, like a girl's blushing face, but also like a sweet dream.

The Pearl-like brilliance embellished the branches, looking from afar, it was poignant and magnificent.