The Orthodox heavenly Dao

&Nbsp; Hong long long ...

Thunder roared, and purple and green intertwined. Bolts of Heavenly Tribulation struck down, destroying the heavens and earth.

After a while, the rumbling Thunder gradually stopped.

The land of chaos returned to darkness.

Under the nine pillars, the figures of the human race became sparse.

The mortals brought by the Mahayana realm cultivators, such as Yi Shi, had already swallowed the flesh and blood of the immortals and experienced the cleansing of the heavenly Tribulation.

In the end, only a few dozen people were left from the originally crowded figures.

These tens of humans had all reached the peak of the ninth level of the Qi refining stage.

"Yi Shi" and the other Mahayana realm Masters looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Compared to the last time he came here, the success rate this time had increased a lot!

However, this was only entering the path.