Epiphany, The Great Sect


Huan Liuli woke up from her trance. What was before her eyes were the rippling waves of the sea and the scorching sunlight.

The sea breeze that was enough to make one's skin burn kept blowing by her side.

As for her, she was lying on a plastic board.

Huan Liuli was stunned speechless.

'Am I dreaming? Wasn't I just spanking Ye Xiao? How did I end up in the ocean? It seems that these days, cleaning after Ye Xiao was such a miserable experience, enough so that I am starting to have hallucinations! All day long I was washing the floor like a janitor, even though I am not an obedient dog that can be trained! What kind of cat watches the house?

'Oh, never mind, I'll sleep a little longer.'

Closing her eyes, Huan Liuli was ready to continue sleeping. Suddenly, with a puff, a wave rolled over, instantly drenching her.

Huan Liuli instantly woke up completely and her hair stood on end in an instant.