His Name Was Zhang San, and He Was Known As... The Manic Outlaw

Ye Xiao began to read the healing cultivation technique and quickly learned it. He recorded it into the Golden Book and began to cultivate it.

When it was cultivated to perfection, the ten pieces of paper that were branded with the basic healing cultivation technique emitted a pure golden light.

At that point, it meant that the cultivation techniques were ready to be synthesized.

Ye Xiao, who had already cultivated the healing cultivation technique, could be considered to have heaved a sigh of relief at that stage.

However, he did not rest. Instead, he continued to read other types of books.

That time, Ye Xiao was prepared to look at the movement cultivation technique.

Previously, he had calculated that among the life-saving cultivation techniques, the armament type and the alchemy type had higher requirements for money. Hence, he temporarily placed it on the backburner and cultivated the healing cultivation technique first.