I Won't Stand For It

"The radar screen shows an unknown creature approaching?"

"Unknown creature?"

The scientists in the command room could not help that their eyebrows rose. They looked at each other with puzzled expressions.

"Could it be a star Beast?"

"It shouldn't be. This is the space territory. Star beasts can't land here casually."

"Then... Could it be the human warriors of the nine provinces? This should be the space territory of the nine provinces, right?"

Everyone looked at the commander. After the commander pondered for a moment, he smiled slightly.

"Who cares what it is. Since they are here, then help us test out the fighter jets!"

Everyone's expression changed slightly.

"Commander, this isn't good, right?"

"What's not good about it? It's just a star beast, an alien star beast! Understand? As long as it's not our American warriors, then it's fine!"

Everyone looked at each other and laughed evilly.