The Silver Fox Clan


It was night and the moon was hanging high in the sky. Du Changfeng stood on the grass in the courtyard of the governor's manor with his hands behind his back as he looked at the sky.

Du Tianyu stood behind him and carefully said,

"Uncle, there was news from the garrison just now. They found a star beast in the library. Judging from its family type, it seems to belong to the Silver Fox star beast clan."

"Silver Fox? I got it."

Du Changfeng said lightly, but there was a hint of solemnity in his eyes.

"You can leave now. There's a guest here. It's not suitable for you to be here."


Du Tianyu replied. Although he did not know what had happened, his uncle would not have any ill-intent.

Not long after, a strong wind blew, and the plants in the courtyard began to shake.

Du Changfeng's clothes fluttered in the wind, making him look more ethereal.

"Du Changfeng, long time no see."