Mysterious Expert!

"So powerful!"

Everyone's hearts trembled. They were scared out of their wits and immediately retreated.

Although their speed was fast, the Black-scaled Snake's speed was even faster. Moreover, it was more than twice as fast.

With a sweep of its long tail, the trees were destroyed. A huge force smashed onto the bodies of the three martial artists, directly crushing their chests into the mud.

In the blink of an eye, it spat venom at the other figures.


They let out a miserable cry and were quickly corroded into dregs.

When the Black-scaled Snake fought, the venom it spat out could directly corrode creatures with low cultivation into dregs.

Normally, it would not easily use the venom. Instead, it would keep the corpses of its opponents as food.

However, that day, it was extremely furious.

The leader's legs were trembling.

It was over!

It was over.