The Battle Between Two Divine Sects!

'With this armor and the Indestructible Diamond Divine Art, I reckon King El won't be able to break through my defense. Next, it's time to raise my combat strength.

'I've already comprehended the true meaning of the martial arts of Xiantian sixth grade. As long as my spiritual energy cultivation reaches that level, I can break through to Xiantian sixth grade at any time.

'Last night, I ate some Black-scaled Snake meat, which contained quite a bit of blood essence so my spiritual energy cultivation has increased quite a bit.

'If I can use the pill refining technique to refine the Black-scaled Snake into a pill, I should be able to quickly raise my strength to Xiantian sixth grade!'

Having made up his mind, Ye Xiao packed up and prepared to go to work.

Some of the Black-scaled Snake's scales had fallen off, and he had refined them into throwing knives. There were more than 20 of them in total.