Advancement to Xiantian Sixth Grade

Ye Xiao suspected that the Ten Thousand to One alchemy technique not only absorbed energy, blood essence, and other nutrients together, but it would also change the taste to bring out a good taste.

When the alchemy technique was synthesized, he had already started sleeping, so he did not see what the basic words of the technique were. It was not very easy to distinguish the Ten Thousand to One alchemy technique.

However, it did not matter as long as the taste was good.

For a veteran foodie, not only could he obtain a cultivation technique, but he could also satisfy his appetite. What could be more perfect than that?

After the medicinal pill was swallowed, all the cultivation techniques in Ye Xiao's body began to circulate rapidly, frantically absorbing the majestic spiritual energy in the medicinal pill and then fusing it into Ye Xiao's seven meridians and eight veins.

It was as if several rockets had been triggered in his body.