Dying at Your Hands Is Not an Injustice

The Big Dipper's Grand Mystery was activated, and Ye Xiao instantly sensed King El resurrecting behind his back, taking form.


An earth-shattering roar sounded behind Ye Xiao. King El, who had just resurrected, gathered all the strength in his body and punched Ye Xiao's back.

The corner of King El's mouth curled up into a proud arc.

With this punch, he used an imperial technique that had the effect of beating a bull across a mountain and shaking a tiger, and was designed to defeat all kinds of imperial armor.

It was a move created to deal with people like Ye Xiao who wore imperial artifact armor.

With that punch, even if ye Xiao did not die, he would be heavily injured.

However, before his fist could land on ye Xiao's body, he disappeared from the spot in an instant.

That caused King El's pupils to shrink once again.

It was a movement technique.