When a Divine Weapon Is Released, Ghosts and Gods Are Scared

After arriving in the wilderness, Ye Xiao immediately took out the materials that he had prepared.

Other than the original long-handled saber, there was also blood-red sand, 10,000-year-old meteorite iron, 10,000-year-old cold steel, diamonds, blood-red jade...

A large batch of rare materials were all taken out by Ye Xiao.

After that, he began to refine the essence within.

When the powerful Godly Craftsmanship was activated, it was very easy to extract the essence of all the rare materials. Furthermore, according to a certain ratio, it was gradually integrated into the long-handled saber.

Following the injection of the essence of these materials, the surface of the long-handled saber began to redden and heat up.

Moreover, the length seemed to be slowly increasing, becoming longer! Larger!

Originally, its length was only about six feet. Now, it was gradually increasing to seven feet.