The Indian Buddha enters Shaolin

"Have you heard? The Indian Buddha, Aro, has come to our nine provinces again."

"Aro? Who is Aro? Is he very powerful?"

"Look at how ignorant you are. Aro is a genius Buddhist disciple from India more than 40 years ago.

"Back then, he came to challenge the Buddhist disciples of our nine provinces and only failed once. He won all the other duels. In the following decades, he came to challenge us every year. Besides that time when he failed, he has never failed before."

"Wow! It can't be, right? Is he that powerful?"

"He is quite powerful. It is said that he is already at the peak of the Xiantian sixth-grade great grandmaster rank. He could advance to the Xiantian seventh grade at any time!"

"Oh my God, if he advances to the Xiantian seventh grade, isn't that the legendary divine grandmaster rank?"