One Fist, One Divine-level Star Beast, One Saber, Another Divine-level Star Beast

Sensing the tremors beneath the ground, Ye Xiao immediately used the Big Dipper's Grand Mystery to scan the area.

As it turned out, Xia Bingning had encountered the guardian star beasts controlled by the myriad of purple and red leaves the moment she reached the ground.

Furthermore, they were six Xiantian sixth-grade great-level star beasts!

The flower fragrance and pollen emitted by the myriad of purple and red leaves could confuse the star beasts' minds and control them as a means of attack.

"Do you need my help?"

He used his mind to communicate with the other party.

"No need."

Xia Bingning spat out three short words, her tone extremely conceited.

Ye Xiao shrugged and did not say anything else. He continued to harvest his flowers.

However, he used his mind to keep an eye on Xia Bingning below. Her technique of using her eyes to attack made him very curious.