Saber God’s Obsession

Ye Xiao cleared his throat, and Samuel's pupils constricted.

"What do you want to do?"

Ye Xiao rubbed his throat.

"Nothing, just clearing my throat. What are you afraid of? It's not like I'm going to vomit on you. Or do you want me to vomit on you?"

Samuel suddenly began to tremble.

"If you dare to throw up on me, Try..."

Samuel did not have the time to shout out the word 'try' when Ye Xiao had already thrown up on his body.

"Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah... I'm going to kill you!"

Samuel seemed to have gone mad as he desperately rushed towards Ye Xiao.


However, in the next second, he was once again punched by Ye Xiao and ruthlessly smashed into the wall.

Tears of humiliation slid down from the corner of his eyes.

How many years had it been?

He had followed the Tiger God and slaughtered countless humans in the space battlefield. Among them, there were even many martial arts experts from the human race.