The Main Body Has Never Met You Before, but I Have a Deep Sense of Familiarity With You. Punch!

Gather the humans in one city after another, and then train them together, so that they can grow systematically.

If there are some who are at the top of their class, then use large resources to quickly pile them up into a powerhouse.

Although most of the others might be a little mediocre, their overall strength rose very quickly.

On that note, the star beasts were far inferior to the humans.

That was because the star beasts did not have any management system, it was too chaotic.

The star beasts believed that the strong preyed on the weak, only the strong could rule over the weak.

However, they forgot one point, that many strong people might be strong in terms of physique or bloodline.

As an example, a star beast with a dragon-class bloodline would definitely become stronger more easily than a star beast with a wolf-class bloodline.

However, one's brain could not be improved just by relying on one's bloodline.