The Zhong City's Advancement

"There's another newcomer!"

"D*mn it! Another member of our race has been killed by this b*stard."

"I really don't know which brother is so unlucky! He actually met this scoundrel."

The star beasts used their own parapsychic waves to secretly discuss.

The Norfis clone was also very curious. Who was so miserable that he was actually captured? As for that aura, why did it feel a little familiar?

It somehow seemed to be similar to his own...

If he was not so sure that his main body was in Shaolin right now, he could not help but suspect that that was his main body.

The other star beasts were also peeking.

"Eh? This star beast looks a little like Senior Norfis."

"Hey! It really does look like him!"

"Could he be a relative of Senior Norfis?"

Norfis' heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had a bad feeling. He immediately stood. He stole a glance.
