Conception of the King Realm, Halfway to King’s Realm

Azura used his sword ray to block Beitang Ce's eye-bloodline technique. The two different powers were at odds with each other.

However, Azura was obviously much stronger than Beitang Ce. The sword ray stared at Beitang Ce's eye-bloodline technique and started to rise. That was unbelievable!

Shi Guanghao and the others who were in the middle of the battle could not help but be shocked when they saw that scene.

What a powerful force.

The strength of Azura's attack was simply shocking to the extreme.

Both parties were facing each other head-on. He actually managed to push the other party's strength away!

Beitang Ce's expression was solemn. He continued to increase his own strength and unleashed his eye technique to the maximum.

Due to the excessive use of the power within his eye-bloodline technique, blood flowed out of his eye sockets continuously.