Friends From Afar


The heart-wrenching pain transmitted to his mind, but Ye Xiao had long thought of that point. Therefore, although it was painful, the expression on his face was still calm and composed.

The Secret of Eternal Life was activated, and Ye Xiao's arm instantly recovered, looking brand new as before.

The arm that had fallen to the ground turned into blood essence once again, fusing into Ye Xiao's body to make up for the blood essence that he had lost.

'What a powerful healing technique. In an instant, it was able to heal my injuries back to their original state.

'I'm already a King realm martial artist, so my blood essence is extremely strong. Once I'm injured, it's basically very difficult for me to heal the injuries in my body. Even if I used three imperial techniques, it would still take a short while for my body to be perfectly healed.