Starquake Tiger’s Rage


Starquake Tiger obviously saw this sword!

That supreme sword's power was close to heaven and earth.

Even the divine sect could sense it in an instant, so how could he not sense it?

However, feeling it was one thing, but defending was another!

Ye Xiao's sword was absolutely stunning. It covered a radius of a thousand miles in an instant.

Unless he had the strength to jump out of the range of a thousand miles in an instant.

Otherwise, he would not be able to dodge that sword.

Having high strength did not mean that he could dodge the move. He would still be locked onto by some attacks.

A martial artist's attack, because the spiritual energy was amplified by the move, its speed had to exceed his own.

It was like a person holding a gun. A person would definitely not be able to catch up with the enemy but a bullet could.