Purple Clouds From the East, All Souls Worship

"So powerful!"

The Fox Empress inadvertently glanced at the battle in the sky. She was so shocked that her heart could not help but beat faster.

Was that a battle above the Divine Beast realm?

Although compared to her, her cultivation was only slightly stronger.

In reality, the power unleashed by the two was many times stronger than hers!

That was the terror of a divine beast!

A divine beast was a divine beast after all. No matter how close a lesser divine beast was to a divine beast, there was always an insurmountable gap between them and a true divine beast.

The longer the battle lasted, the more times the starry sky would flash.

The cycle continued. Soon, the spiritual energy gathered in the sky reached a zero point.

At that moment, after the Wolf God and Ning Yuhen exchanged blows, they were blasted apart.

"Hu, hu."