The Emperor Realm Is So Powerful That Without a Single Thought, Your Aura Is Enough to Shake Heaven and Earth

"Let me take a look first. What good stuff is inside?"

The Moon-swallowing Mastiff Zang Long stepped forward with a loud laugh.

The other star beasts immediately followed closely behind.

Although it was said that under the watchful eyes of everyone, no one was afraid that he would take it for himself.

However, everyone could not wait to see what good stuff was inside.

Ning Yuhen wanted to move, but the Fox Empress pressed down on his shoulder.

He looked at the Fox Empress, but she shook her head.

"There's no need for you to go up anymore."

As soon as she finished speaking, the Moon-swallowing Mastiff Zang Long that was walking at the front instantly exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

Fresh blood splattered in all directions and shot onto the faces of the other star beasts, causing their bodies to instantly shiver. They stood on the spot, looking at each other at a loss.