Have You Heard of The Name?

He walked into the library.

Everywhere he passed, everyone looked at him very naturally. There was nothing unusual.

He could not help but sneer in his heart,

'A bunch of trash. None of them can see through my true appearance. They are truly the trash among trash!

'I wonder what use it is for the people of the Xuan Yuan god clan to educate this bunch of trash who haven't even fully activated their divine blood!'

As he walked, he used his spiritual energy to scan many people, but in the end, he still could not find any information regarding the Saber-sword Immortal's true identity.

That made him a little angry, and he could not help but curse in his heart. That Saber-sword Immortal was really too ridiculous!

There were so many people, but not a single one knew his identity.

Alas, there was nothing he could do. In order to find the Saber-sword Immortal, he still had to continue searching for information.