The First Test of the Masterpiece Technique. It Was Extremely Powerful


"What? What did you say? Say it again.

"Okay, I got it."

In the spiritual airship of the Ning family, the woman who was in charge of taking care of Ning Zhiyuan quickly came to the deck. She looked at Ning Zhiyuan who was leaning against the railing and said carefully,

"Young Master Ning, something has happened down there."

Ning Zhiyuan, who was leisurely watching the Xuan Yuan clan digging the grave, suddenly changed his expression and revealed a chill.

"What happened?"

The woman gulped and said carefully,

"Someone died on the ground. It was the three god clans who were responsible. They sent a spy over. When our people intercepted them, two Emperor realm martial arts experts died. At the same time, they also severely injured an outstanding disciple who had just stepped into the Godly King realm."

Ning Zhiyuan's expression turned ugly as if it was covered with a layer of frost.

"Those three god clans!"