The Descent of a Hundred Clans, the Immortal Masterpiece Technique

Ye Xiao casually threw the two booklets into the flames. Along with the flames, they were burned to ashes.

That way, there was no news of the Divine Kingdom's treasury.

Along with the continuous tempering of the flames, the Goldy King's body was finally burned to ashes.

Originally, with Ye Xiao's strength, it was impossible for him to burn a Godly King's body to ashes.

However, the other party had already existed for an unknown number of tens of thousands of years. More than half of the blood essence in her body had already been used up. There was only a little bit left, so Ye Xiao could easily refine all of her.

At the end of the burning, the Godly King's body completely disappeared, leaving only a few million drops of divine blood.

That made Ye Xiao unable to help but sigh with emotion. As expected of a Godly King, she was stronger than the human ancestors.