People Should Do More Good Deeds. This Way, Good Luck Will Come Knocking

After dinner, Ye Xiao began to prepare to go out and head to the starry sky to search for the Godly King's tomb.

Before setting off, he even specially dressed up. That way, he could prevent others from discovering his identity.

After doing all that, Ye Xiao immediately flew towards the starry sky.

However, he had just flown into the sky when his body suddenly stopped.

Something was not right. There was a very strong energy that was rapidly approaching him.

There was killing intent!

Ye Xiao's current perception ability was very strong. Although he himself had not reached the Godslayer realm, the killing intent above the Godslayer realm could not escape his perception ability.

As for those below the Godslayer realm, there was no need to say anything more.

He did not leave because he really wanted to know who was watching him from behind.

In the next second, he discovered the other party.

It was a wolf!