It Was Produced by Ye Xiao So It Must Be of High Quality


In Ye Xiao's cellar, after a day and a night of refining, he finally obtained another increase in strength.


The strength and divine blood in his body had increased by another large level.

It also signified that Ye Xiao had successfully stepped into the sixth level of the Godslayer realm!

The corners of Ye Xiao's mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

He had succeeded, and he had advanced by another small realm.

That month, he should have advanced by another small realm, but instead, he had already advanced by two small realms.

It was all thanks to the gifts of those Godly Kings that he had obtained so much blood essence, which allowed him to advance so quickly.

It was just a pity that there were not many Godly Kings who had just been resurrected and were not strong and easy to catch. It was really a great pity.

If there were a few more, his cultivation would soar to the heavens!