There Were So Many Sacred Beasts That Even the Godly Kings Bowed

Yun Changqing's face could not help but reveal a slightly shocked expression.

Even so, very quickly, he reacted and said indifferently,

"There shouldn't be a need to exaggerate, right? If his cultivation was slightly stronger, it shouldn't be too difficult for him to take on 20 Godly Kings alone.

"After all, there would inevitably be many first-level Godly Kings among those Godly Kings. If his cultivation was higher, he could easily suppress them."

"That's true, but his cultivation was at the fifth level Godly King realm at that time."

Yun Changqing was stunned at first, then his eyes instantly widened.

"What... What level? Fifth-level of the Godly King realm? Did I hear wrongly? Clan Leader, are you trying to trick me?"

The Xuan Yuan Clan Leader did not reply, but his intent was very clear.

Everything he said was true.

Yun Changqing was completely dumbfounded.

That fellow was way too strong.