The Minor Destiny Technique Was Unleashed, Shocking the Four Great God Clans’ Clansmen

"So fast!"

Almost everyone present could not help but feel their hearts palpitate. It was as if they had been gripped by a huge hand!

There were two second-level Godly Emperors, not first-level Godly Emperors!

When one's cultivation base advances from the sixth or seventh-level Godly Emperor realm, the gap between each level of cultivation would become greater and greater.

That gap was different from the gap between each previous realm.

For example, before Ye Xiao could have advanced to the fourth or fifth level of the Godly Emperor realm, it should be possible for him to fight to a draw with the other party.

However, after the sixth or seventh level of the Godly Emperor realm, he might only be able to challenge the second or third level of the Godly Emperor realm each time.

That was the conflict between the differences between the higher and lower realms.