The Space-Time Immortal Technique, the Power to Reverse the Universe


"The Space Warping masterpiece technique and the Reincarnation masterpiece technique have been combined!"

Ye Xiao was instantly overjoyed.

He had obtained another immortal technique.

He immediately immersed his mind and swept a glance at that immortal technique.

The Space-time immortal technique!

So powerful!

One could tell from the name that it was not something simple.

Ye Xiao carefully looked at its operating effect and could not help but suck in a breath of cold air.

Burning spiritual energy to achieve the effect of advancing time, reversing time, or even stopping time within the current space.

Or even jumping to a certain time period in space.

It was truly freakish.

To actually be able to change time.

It was likely that there would no longer be such a freakish immortal technique in the entire world.