The Fight Between Good and Evil, Summoning Malfunction!


In the starry sky, several figures gathered together and knelt in front of a blue-robed figure.

"Greetings, Commander."

It was a young-looking man with a scar on his face and a slanted nose bridge, making his originally handsome face look a bit more ferocious.

He said indifferently,

"Have all the wooden boxes been buried in their corresponding positions?"

"Reporting to Commander, they have all been buried. Now, we are just waiting for you to activate the seals on them."

The young man nodded and immediately raised his head. He looked towards the center of the Bluebell divine territory as his eyes flashed with a resentful glint.

"It's been 20 years! A full 20 years!

"This time, I, Lan Zhishui, will wash away the humiliation from 20 years ago!

"20 years ago, all of you looked down on me. Now, 20 years later, I will let all of you know how wrong your actions back then were."