When the Empress Makes a Decision, Anyone Who Moves Against Ye Xiao Is an Enemy!


Since ancient times, there have been countless Supreme Eternals in the various realms. However, until then, how many Supreme Eternals could still be remembered after death?

The vast majority of them had long disappeared along with the river of time, leaving no traces behind.

Even their names were not known to the world.

What people would always remember was that most stunning blazing sun.

"Esteemed ambassadors."

The remaining six ninth-level Godly Emperors finally heaved a sigh of relief when they saw the Godly Emperors from the Dragon god clan and Qilin god clan come out. They cupped their hands and bowed.

Although Ye Xiao had not made a move against them, they knew that the other party's strength was far from what they could deal with.

After the two ambassadors had made a move, they could finally heave a sigh of relief.

The ambassadors were lesser Supreme Eternals. That level should be sufficient to take down Ye Xiao.