The Alluring Fragrance of Power!


The Phoenix Empress rubbed the space between her brows. She felt a headache coming on.

"Have you found out who's behind this?"

"Not yet. We can't find out who's behind this at all. These curses came too unexpectedly. Moreover, they can be transmitted from one clansman to another.

"Currently, our initial guess is that the clansmen outside have been tricked by someone and that have placed such curses."

"You're right. We can't let them continue like this. Otherwise, the Phoenix god clan will become the common enemy of all the god clans in the starry sky.

"Summon all our clansmen back."

The Phoenix clan Grand Elder could not help but raise her brows.

"What is Your Majesty trying to do? If we let them come back, it will most likely cause more clansmen to be cursed."

The Phoenix Empress said with an indifferent expression,