Entering the Peak of the Third-Level Imperial Immortal Realm and Forcefully Killing the Four Prodigies


Greedwolf Imperial Demon did not dare to be the slightest bit careless.

That fellow was already awesome to begin with. If he were to continue being so arrogant and succeed in the fusion, he did not know if he would continue. How awesome would he be?

He immediately used his full strength to go against Wang Wu, preventing him from completely fusing with Ye Xiao.

A streak of blood-colored energy bloomed in the starry sky. It looked like a blood-colored lotus flower, demonic and terrifying.

Wherever that streak of blood-colored energy passed, all the spatial barriers were shattered. No one could withstand it.

When Wang Wu saw that streak of energy, he immediately used a Space-time immortal technique to perform a space jump, allowing himself to escape the opponent's attack. Then, he arrived behind Greedwolf Imperial Demon, only a step away from Ye Xiao.

"D*mn it!"

Greedwolf Imperial Demon could not help but spit, extremely anxious.