Archaic Enemies, Mysterious Organization



Ye Xiao calmly spat out those three words. Only then did everyone calm down the feeling of kneeling down before they could stand up.

However, everyone still could not be happy because they had only removed the feeling of worshipping under Ye Xiao's permission. If Ye Xiao did not allow it, they would not have been able to remove it.

That was not the result they wanted at all.

Ye Xiao could not be bothered with what they were thinking. He directly opened his mouth and said,

"I came here today to see if there is anything that you need to upgrade. The other reason is to bring you some new partners."

Those people's bodies all had an automatic repair function. However, the automatic repair function and the automatic upgrade function were two different things.

Ye Xiao did not create an auto-upgrade function for them. The main purpose of doing so was to prevent them from escaping from his control. That would not be good.