Traitors Will Never Obtain Glory


Just as he took out the long spear in his hand, Ye Xiao's sword ray arrived in front of him at the same time.


The two peak powers collided fiercely, causing a scene that looked like the collapse of space on the spot.

That was because the energy between the two of them was really too strong, so much so that the spatial barrier could not withstand it, which was why it collapsed.

Even so, the power of the two of them continued to erupt outwards.

The collapse of space could no longer stop the explosion of power between the two of them.

It could be imagined that the power of the two of them had reached a terrifying state in the river.

When the others saw that scene, their hearts could not help but beat faster.

That terrifying power had been devoured by more than half due to the collapse of space, so it did not release too much of it.