Another Scene

By the river, the Man-eating Vine's vines were climbing everywhere, especially at a bend in the river. The vines were as tall as one or two people, and it was impossible to imagine that Li Yuanqing was resting inside.

At night in the Catacombs, the Man-eating Vines would easily disguise themselves as a large patch of green plants. By the river, there was a large patch of vines. Although it was dense, it did not look too out of place.

This was because the river was almost filled with lush plants. Occasionally, some of them would grow happily. This was not very strange.

Li Yuanqing was in the house woven from man-eating vines. He listened to the sound of water flowing in his ears and looked at the voice transmission. There were still people asking to buy water and looking for food.

These martial artists were still in the Wasteland of the Catacombs. They were still in the dry and dehydrated Wasteland, silently waiting for the day to arrive.