Watch That Old Fogey

After hearing Ning Shuang's report, Su Wen replied, "Alright, I understand. I'll go over now!"

Suddenly, Xie Yiyi, who was behind him, asked, "Since you already knew before the Lunar New Year, why did you only tell me now?"

Su Wen turned around with a smile on his face. "We're all family, so we can slowly resolve this matter. After all, the New Year has to be celebrated in a happy manner"

A warm feeling rose in Xie Yiyi's heart. When Su Wen left, tears welled up in her eyes.

She understood that Su Wen never wanted to do anything to her.

Su Wen arrived at the living room.

Yan Luoying sat there quietly. When she saw Su Wen, she smiled. "Young Master Su, what are you busy with?"

"I'm just having a fling with my concubine. What business can I have?" Su Wen said half-truthfully.

Yan Luoying looked at Su Wen and shook her head with a sigh. "My father brought me some of the specialties in the Northern Border. I brought some over for you."