Go Back Into the Grave

Emperor Zhou could not be more enraged!

Looking at the court officials who had been beaten up, he was really angry!

Wasn't this the same as slapping his face?

Wu Qiuhan lay on the stretcher. He was the first, but not the last.

The ministers who followed closely behind… made Emperor Zhou's face tremble.

Emperor Zhou did not lose his temper as he looked at the injured ministers. He only showed grief and self-reproach.

"It's my incompetence that has implicated all my beloved ministers! This Su family brat is extremely deranged! I was blind back then! I even thought he was my Great Zhou rising talent…"

Other than the first sentence being fake, Emperor Zhou's words came from the bottom of his heart.

No matter what, he really regretted it.

No matter how one put it, how much love he once had for Su Wen had turned into pain and anger.

From the looks of it now, his doting love back then was all fed to the dogs…