Su Qimen

The nine grotto-heavens of the Heaven Secrets Manor were named after Patriarch Heaven Secrets' Mystic Gate Divination and Eight Trigrams.

They were: Mystic Gate grotto-heaven, Hidden Armor grotto-heaven, Eight Trigrams grotto-heaven, Yin-Yang grotto-heaven, Wind Empress grotto-heaven, Taiji grotto-heaven, Twin Poles grotto-heaven, Four Symbols grotto-heaven, and Book of Changes grotto-heaven.

There were a total of nine.

Qi Ming had just started refining the Heaven Secrets Manor. He could only open the entrance to the Mystic Gate grotto-heaven and could only enter it for the time being.'

"Su Qimen." Qi Ming said, "You're the Manor Spirit of the Heaven Secrets Manor. You know more about it than me. Tell me about this Heaven Secrets Manor, the nine grotto-heavens, and the situation of the Heaven Secrets Manor."