Sad Fiba, Vs Battle Supreme

At this moment, the ice spear stopped in place and a hurricane appeared, sweeping up all the ice mist and blowing it into the air.

The ice spear shattered.

Duan Shan waved his hand, and black nether floated down. He then waved his hand and ordered his men to treat black nether.

All the dog-headed people frowned and looked at the ice-cold Si Tingxue on the stage.

The atmosphere turned silent for a moment before Duan Shan spoke, 

"I didn't expect that the red maple Empire would have such a genius."

"We admit defeat for this round, " he said coldly. "Stone, you go."

Stone was a houndhead man with unremarkable gray fur.

He was tall and slender, wearing a gray leather armor and holding a longbow in his hand.

He nodded and went up the ring.

Si Tingxue let out a slight breath. A cold expression appeared on her face, and the ice crystal Crown on her head was faintly visible.