Chapter II - Storm Rider In The Sky

Drenched from head to toe the man dressed in black garb and a inhumanly large monstrous grin came to the bank of Swift Water river. Black ooze dripped from his mouth, wiping it off his thin green lips he looked back and saw in the distant horizon his pursuer still giving chase. On top of his silver thunderbird the pale knight flew high in the sky, heralding black storm clouds, complete darkness aside from flashes of lightning covered everything under the clouds. Days of little rest and rapid fleeing had taken a costly toll on Medraut, who even with his eyes covered with a black head scarf could still see he was losing ground.

From Caer Turre in the far east to the edge of the Swift Water river in the west the pale knight followed him with greater zeal than any predator of nature. Cursing his hunter Medraut spat a unsacred hex upon Dolus's head, before realizing he had nowhere else to run, north and south was too uneven to move swiftly, he'd lose too much time. Backtracking was also out of the question, looking at the dark blue waters that sped from north to south he estimated the time it could take him to swim across. He had the strength and stamina to make it across again, but he feared the time it would take, it wasn't too wide, but the current would carry him southwards.

Perhaps he'd end up in a open field with no cover, a hard to travel hillscape, or worst of all he might be carried too far south and be worse off than if Dolus caught him, there were no satisfying options. Taking off his bycocket and placing it securely into a pocket inside of his heavy black coat, he made his decision and leapt into the river water. Swimming with speed swifter than a fish in water Medraut came halfway across the mighty river when he heard thunder booming not too far behind. A few miles worth by his judgement, perhaps closer as the thunder was so loud and ferocious it caused the world to shake.

Gritting his sharp teeth the pale skinned man put all the power he could muster in his lean muscles into crossing the river. What distance he made westward across the river was doubled southward by the river current, which was stronger than he expected. Arriving at the shore he was glad to see a sanctuary from the incoming storm. The port town of Naofa was an ideal place to hide from Dolus, even if it is a short reprieve. Climbing out of the water onto a ledge of hardened soil covered in long blades of grass, then with only a few moments to catch his breath he jogged on the nearby dirt road to the town gates. As he jogged the river water dripped off his body till he was completely dried, as if the water was repulsed by him.

Briefly his gaze turned to the east and he saw a fast approaching tide of darkness and destruction, lightning flashed and even though it was miles away the blinding flash of pale white light stretched all the way to Naofa. Guards at the town gate became nervous at the sight of the coming storm, one held out his hand and felt the light breeze become a cold gale.

"We're in for a bad one," he said.

"Aye," agreed the other "let us lock the gate and retire early, I don't want to get caught out here when the rain starts."

"Hold," he said "there is someone or something coming."

At first sight the guard thought it was a man but the closer the dark figure came the more visible the inhuman characteristics became. Fearing trouble he placed his hand on the grip of his short sword and waited till the stranger got close enough.

"Halt," the guard commanded "who are you and where do you come from?"

The other guard on duty took a little longer to notice the inhuman features of the man, but when he did he became really nervous, holding out his spear just in case. Standing a few feet away from the tip of the spear Medraut sized up both the guards, keeping his broad smile which drooled black ooze.

"My name is Medraut" he said, "and I come from everywhere to be honest."

A grimace came over the guard's face who pulled his sword out, holding the blade towards Medraut, the other guard took a step back fearing a sudden lunge.

"Why have you come here Medraut of everywhere?" said the guard with a mocking tone.

"To seek refuge from the storm of course" Medraut answered, lifting his pale hand he pointed towards the coming storm clouds.

Conceding the point the guard pulled back his sword and gestured for the other guard to hold up his spear.

"You look awfully strange, tell me do you have southern blood?" questioned the guard "because I haven't seen anyone north of the Pale Mountains with your complexion."

Medraut seemed to laugh to himself at a joke that no one told, his laugh was deep and made the nervous guards tremble.

"No," replied Medraut "I was born not far from here, what you see is merely the result of an accident, from when I was a child."

A half-truth, but Medraut didn't want to cause alarm, not with Dolus hunting him down.

"My apologies," said the guard, a shameful expression on his face "I shouldn't have judged you so harshly. Please come through, and if you need somewhere to stay may I recommend Aces of Spade, it is a pub and hostel."

Then the guard gave him directions, even as the defenning thunder grew louder and closer.

"They'll offer you a free bed till the storm passes," said the guard "please hurry on your way, I want to lock the gate and get inside before the rain comes."

Not being told twice Medraut moved swiftly passed the guards who checked to see if anyone was coming down the road before closing and locking the gate. A flash of lightning startled them and sent them running to the guardhouse, where they prepared it for the storm. Barring the windows shut, locking the door, and stoking the fireplace in preparations for the storm, then thunder roared shaking the windows in the guardhouse.

"This storm has such hideous strength," said one, as the other remained silent.

Just as those guards sought shelter so did the other guards at their posts, locking up the town gates and finding safe warm places to wait out the storm, they either went the pub or guard houses. Sailors and fishermen anchored their boats and went to the pubs to tell stories, sing songs, and get drunk on ale or grog. Town's people bunkered down in their homes just as they were having dinner, praying before they broke bread for the storm to pass easily, as the richer nobles feasted to their heart's content. Though even their large stone houses shook when thunder boomed outside, making them momentarily afraid of what was coming.

The spiritual guide and potentate of Naofa, Father Keen prayed for the homeless people of Naofa, the street urchins and poor who could not find a charitable hearth to rest next to, he prayed their suffering end quickly. Being a man of god he hoped all had good fortune, to have homes and hot meals, but he knew there were those who did not have god's blessings, and would no doubt die in the incoming storm. Inside his cavernous church he stayed sheltered inside thick stone walls built on solid ground, and in his private chapel gave homage to his god. Absolute silence was normal in his prayer room as no sound entered once he closer the door, but that thundered silenced his prayers and made him tremble with absolute terror.

"Truly the devil's hand is guiding this storm," Keen said to himself.

Wickedness was coming to Naofa, as rain fell, lightning struck the ground, thunder roared, and the wind blew so hard it destroyed modestly built wooden structures, as Dolus flew overhead. Dolus's prey was so close, under him in the town below, his mount cried out in a shrill cackle. The great silverbird caught the scent of Medraut and guided by his master's hands circled down towards Naofa. Settling down in the town square, the one legged great bird landed in several inches of water that was flooding the town.

Patiently the bird waited for Dolus to dismount, landing on the ground, without disturbing the water. Holding a spear permanently stained with black blood the pale white man walked around seemingly aimlessly around the town square. Something was hampering his psychic senses, whatever it was had incredible power, apathetically Dolus was not deterred from his task. Lifting up his arm Dolus harnessed some of his hideous magic into his hand.

In the absolute darkness of the storm Dolus conjured a pale light that cast a greyish glow across the town, forming a fog that clung to the streets and buildings of Naofa. Giving off a eerie pale glow, some of the fog seeped into people's homes and crowded inns, those unfortunate to be touched by the fog withered away till all that was left were clothes and pale skeletons. No screams could escape their mouths once the pale magic got them, and once it did, it rotted them away from the inside out.

Once settled Dolus could feel all the fog touched, but even as it covered the town, the fog couldn't find its way into all the buildings. So that left Dolus with only one recourse, to go to each building that the fog couldn't reach inside and break down the door, allowing the fog inside. Seeing how busy his master was the silver bird not wanting to wait in water flapped its wings and took flight, deciding to find a high perch to await Dolus's call.

Landing on the dome roof of the church the bird waited, perched as the rain poured down on its body covered in thick, silver feathers. Rain never touched Dolus, it avoided him as he walked in shin high water; Dolus was bone dry even under the water. All things with consciousness, that the pale knight can't control rejects him entirely. Paying no mind to such instances, Dolus without hesitation he kicked in a door of a brick house. Instantly the fog rolled in making the family home into a tomb.

Medraut was not inside, without further concern Dolus went to the next door and the next one, never ceasing in his search.