Teenagers out of the woods

Cloud Sea City, Purple Mountain, in the canyon of the Golden Bamboo Forest.

Overlapping milky white clouds surrounded a dark green bamboo forest, as far as the eye can see, a pale!

Deep in the bamboo sea, there are four or five houses with a simple but elegant structure, all made of golden bamboo! The color of the whole house is light yellow, and it is estimated that it has a long age! It is surrounded by flowers and many herbs whose names are unknown! Not far ahead on the right there is a turquoise pond, the water in the pond is crystal clear, the water surface is covered by large lotus leaves, the blooming lotus flowers swaying in the wind.

In the middle of the pond there is an octagonal pavilion with an ancient yellow flavor! In the center of the pavilion there is a small round table! On the table there is a teapot, two silver teacups!

The pot emits a strong fragrance! It was soothing to smell!

There were two people standing in the pavilion! One was an old man in black clothes, with long silver hair and a thin face! He looked haggard, but his eyes were radiant. His hands were behind his back, but his eyes were staring straight ahead without blinking, his face was heavy!

Behind him stood a teenager wearing a plain white Zhongshan suit! This teenager looks average! Temperament is outstanding. Flat head, slender and lean body, sword eyebrows slanting, a pair of Danfeng eyes, upright nose. Thick lips, but, unfortunately, the face is pale! If it is more rosy, but not lost as a sunny teenager! At this time, he stood with his hands on either side of his thighs, very respectfully standing behind that old man!

The old man gave a long sigh, then slowly turned around, kindly looked at the young man, after a moment of silence, said heavily: "Xiang'er, to go to the university to study all aspects of the formalities have been implemented for you to handle, you go, study well is it!

The young man heard, face did not change color, opened his mouth and said softly: "Thank you seven uncles"

The old man smiled faintly, reached out and patted the young man's shoulder, sighed, and then said in a serious tone: "Xiang'er, followed the seventh uncle here to live a quiet and uneventful five years, indeed, you have suffered a lot of aggression, now, you have grown up, your parents see you now living a good life, I think in the nine springs, will also rest in peace"

The young man heard, the original white face suddenly a distortion, eyes swept through a burst of grief, he hung his head down, his face full of painful expression. When he raised his head, his face had returned to its original state of silence like water. But did not say a word.

The old man saw the expression on the face of the young man very clearly, the heart is also full of unpleasant feelings, five years ago that the earth-shattering tragedy and vividly, they live so old have not forgotten, poor him, although young, but personally experienced, this is for him, this pain is simply engraved in his bones! To him to completely forget, that is almost impossible! To be able to stay in this isolated place for five years! It was indeed difficult for him.

The young man took a deep breath! Tilted his head up and looked up at the sky! A bitter smile appeared on his face, and in an instant he returned to his normal state, he calmly said: "Seventh uncle, nephew has been carefully taught by you in these five years, is no longer young and ignorant, this time down the mountain to study, naturally know what to do, you can rest assured!"

The old man nodded joyfully after hearing this, and took two steps back and forth before sitting naturally on that stone chair! Reaching up the cup of tea on that stone table in the center, he elegantly took a sip, slowly put down the cup, and then said, "Xiang'er, I want you to swear here in the name of your parents!"

The young man was stunned, his body could not help but tremble, his face looked excited, his hands clenched fists, you can faintly hear the cackling sound that came from his fists.

"Xiang'er, if you still can't let go of the hatred in your heart, I, as the seventh uncle, don't mind keeping you here for five years! When this revenge heart of yours is worn out, when will you be released!" When the old man saw the young man's expression, he naturally guessed what he was thinking. Therefore, he spoke in an extremely cold tone!

The teenager was flabbergasted, and fiercely, his legs bent, kneeling in front of the old man, he said respectfully, "Xiang'er swears that he will remember your teachings, Seventh Uncle."

The old man looked at the young man for a moment before nodding slowly and saying seriously, "Xiang'er, you are a once-in-a-century talent of our Hua family. The reason why you are so skilled in medicine and can bring the dead back to life is because of the effect of the Blended Heavenly Qi Technique, but to reach the fifth level, if you want to go one level further, it is even more difficult! I think I spent 30 years of suffering, but I have not entered the sixth layer! This time you go out to the red world for training! Don't forget to practice everyday!"

"I know, nephew. I will definitely work harder when I go out! I will not waste my time!" The young man said.

The old man nodded, and his sharp eyes were full of expectation! He said: "Xiang'er, you go out this time, and do not take the initiative to find Huang, Li two families to avenge the hatred! The real enemy is not this Huang, Li two families, there should be its behind-the-scenes murderer, this behind-the-scenes murderer whose heart is vicious! Wealthy, and powerful, strong martial arts! Not to mention you, even I may not be their opponents, so I will look for your other six uncles, together to discuss the big plan, you stay within the campus for the time being! You stay on campus for the time being! Keep your traces to yourself, especially your miraculous medical skills, and don't show them to the world. Understand?"

When the young man heard that, his expression was extremely gloomy. He buried his head in deep thought and remembered the silhouette of a man! If it wasn't for her, my family would have been destroyed. If it wasn't for her, my family of 130 people would have been scattered, separated from their flesh and bones, separated from each other, with their arms and legs broken. If not for her! If it weren't for her, why would he have to suffer from five years of confinement?" He hated in his heart, his mouth said with determination: "Whoever dies in front of me, I will not save, if I save, will be condemned by heaven"

The old man saw the young man held up his hands and swore a poisonous oath, and his heart did feel bad! But, remembering the Hua family of which unknown life and death rivals are playing the attention of the Hua family everywhere! That had to prevent ah! Hua family after a thousand years of development, but is always weak, due to the lack of people that can not be helped, in saying that today's society is simply a materialistic world, he is still young, almost do not know world affairs, how can go out to fight those cunning people! If he wants to take revenge, I'm afraid he won't even know how to die! It is difficult to inherit the thousand-year incense of the Hua family! He has reached the fifth level of the Mixed Sky Qi Gong, ordinary people are naturally not his opponent! But, this society is all about comprehensive strength! Even ants can bite the elephant! Let's tell him to put aside his hatred and learn! Bide your time!

The old man thought of this, with a heavy face, stood up and faced the pond! He said with a heavy heart: "Xiang'er, you have outstanding natural talent, especially in both medicine and martial arts! As long as you break through the fifth layer of the mind to reach the sixth layer of the realm, this world, you are free to dazzle! However, until you reach the sixth level, you are not allowed to show your kung fu, and you are not allowed to show off your medical skills! And you may not participate in any meetings in medicine, you may not accept any awards in medicine, and you may not work for any hospital! Do you ever do these points."

The young man said without thinking, "I can do it!"

The old man continued, "The purpose of our Hua family though is to cure the sick and save people! You can practice medicine, you can save the world! However, you must not let anyone know your background! You know what? You lie out, see those who have the status of Huang and Li surname, do not show your medical skills, these points, can you do it."

The young man nodded and said, "I can do it! For the sake of the one hundred and thirty relatives I have died, I swear on my life that if I save the people of the two surnames of Huang and Li in the world, I will die in the streets, and I will not be allowed to die!"

The old man heard, he made these poisonous oath, the heart felt very bad! He coughed gently! Now he nodded slowly and said, "Xiang'er!

You are the only descendant of our Hua family, and the only hope of our family. Then who will inherit the thousand years of the family's legacy? Alas! I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse for you to go out, it all depends on your own destiny. You should remember the lesson you learned that time! I'm just doing my job in front of my ancestors to make you swear! But you have your own destiny, after you get out, everything is up to you! You just need to do it with a clear conscience, that's all! However, you must remember this point, you are not allowed to seek revenge on the people of the Huang family! Unless, you have the incense inheritance! Unless you can break through the sixth layer of kung fu. Otherwise, you will be an honest man with me! Understand?" The old man's words were very grim.

The young man said in a low and strong voice: "Yes!"

The old man then reached out and took the young man's shoulders slowly out of the octagonal pavilion, he sighed while saying in a deep voice: "Many clansmen I have arranged out into the nameless mountain, the average worldly people simply can not see, plus a few of my disciples to protect, the clansmen will be fine, you can rest assured in the social training!"

"Seventh uncle, the remaining six uncles seem to be out of China! If you are looking for them, are you going to leave the country in the near future?" The teenager asked.

The old man sighed deeply and said, "Yes, they all live abroad, they haven't seen each other for years, and I don't know how they are doing. I'm going to look for them this time, I guess it will take some days, you ah, in school to study in a low profile! Understand?"

"Yes, I know. Don't worry, Seventh Uncle!"

A kind smile appeared on the old man's face. He exhaled and said, "It's getting late, and the people are here to pick you up. You go prepare your luggage and leave the mountain with them immediately!"

The young man's eyes were shining with joy! However, he knelt down in front of the old man and kowtowed respectfully a few times! Only after the old man's support, he stood up and walked towards the bamboo house!