Love Giving

Many boys saw the presence of the school's first expert 'God of Martial Arts' Tie Sheng, who did not dare to say more than half a word! More do not dare to take rashly! Everyone stood dumbfounded downstairs looking at Hua Zishu and sometimes at Tie Sheng. We all maintain the stance of not giving way to each other.

Tiesheng came here by coincidence! He just took care of his mother in the nursing home! It was almost 12 o'clock at night when he returned to school. He was about to go back to his dormitory when he unexpectedly saw a noise in the D building in front of him! He was a person who didn't like to stir up trouble! However, he heard the descriptions of other students and found it unbelievable! However, he had pretty good eyes! From a long distance, he saw Hua Zishu surrounded by many male classmates! He was afraid that his mother** would be hurt! So, a long way to raise the alarm. He also stood here, he did not know what happened, had to watch coldly! In fact, the heart is still wondering who is this teenager called Hua Zishu, why is always in trouble at school! Himself has put out the word! But, you can't follow him 24 hours a day! In case he suffered a loss that day, it would be bad if he was not there.

Li Junyi looked at Hua Zishu, her heart was very helpless, she did not understand why the young man in front of her had such a hard heart! Is his heart really made of ironstone? What exactly does he want himself to do before he is willing to save the life of sister Lin! The first thing you need to do is to get the best out of it.

At this moment, the whole noisy dormitory building is very silent! As if a pin dropped on the ground can be heard. Everyone only listened to the sound of raindrops hitting the trees, windowsills, and canvas! No one could believe the scene in front of them! Every boy and later the girls who ran to see what was going on were amazed! Dumbfounded! Dumbfounded. Who would believe this scene if it was told?

A few girls quietly took pictures of the scene with their cell phones!

Hua Zishu became very annoyed when he saw her doing this trick with him again!

Li Junyi kneeling on the ground, tears streaming down her face, the pitiful look makes him even more alarmed, how ruthless he is, after all, he is a flesh and blood teenager! He really can't do cold and heartless, he shook his head fiercely, in order to hide the deep panic, he thunderously pointed at the kneeling Li Junyi said loudly: "You are willing to kneel you kneel! But I have to tell you, even if you kneel for three days and three nights! I won't even save you! I'll do what I say." As soon as the words were finished, he reached out and pushed a few boys away and headed for his dormitory. The boys felt the tremendous power coming from those hands! They were pushed backwards and forwards by him!

Tiesheng looked at the beautiful Li Junyi in front of him, and listening to what Hua Zishu said, he already understood the big picture of what had happened. He pondered for a moment, and then looked at the back of Hua Zishu, who was fading away! Only then did he reach out to help Li Junyi! There he knew that Li Junyi insisted on kneeling on the ground! She sincerely said loudly to Hua Zishu's back: "If I kneel here for three days and three nights to let you save Mr. Lin's life! I am willing!"

"Jun Yi, what are you suffering for! It's not certain if he has the ability to save Teacher Lin from a life-threatening situation! How much trust does he have if he says he has that kind of power! Do you believe him that much? How can you be so sure of facts that you haven't seen?" Zhao Jing looked at Li Junyi's stubbornness, and her heart didn't feel good either! Even she herself didn't know what to say to be nice.

"Now only he can save Teacher Lin's illness! Only he is the only hope for Teacher Lin! If he can save Ms. Lin's life, I'll be here for three days and three nights! Even if I kneel until I die!" Li Junyi said seriously.

Once these words came out, the boys around you looked at me, I looked at you! They were whispering! Tie Sheng suddenly understood Li Junyi's meaning! He remembered what Hua Zishu had explained to him! He thought about it again and then said aloud, "I, Tie Sheng, am a good friend of Hua Zishu! I also believe in what this student Li Junyi said! So, to show my support for you, I will also accompany you to persevere until Mr. Hua can promise to save Mr. Lin's illness." As soon as the words were finished, his upright body bent and then also knelt down next to Li Junyi's shoulder!

Tiesheng's relationship with Mr. Lin was not well known to the general public! These days, he has been running around! But to no avail! Now that he remembered that Hua Zishu could cure his mother's disease, it seems that this Hua Zishu's medical skills must be miraculous! Maybe he could really save Mr. Lin's illness! When he thought of this, his heart was filled with hope! He also knelt down like this!

Li Junyi kneeling on the ground listening to what this Tiesheng said, she was also stunned, and then in her heart secretly thought: "Could it be that this Tiesheng knows that Hua Zishu has this ability, why is he doing this, doing this is to support himself, could it be that by doing this he is actually telling himself that Hua Zishu has the ability to save Teacher Lin!" Thinking of this, she turned her head, glanced at Tiesheng kneeling next to her, and smiled faintly! Expressing gratitude! Tie Sheng turned his head and nodded at her! Now, Li Junyi knew that her choice was not wrong, the person who saved Mr. Lin's life relied on this name 'see death not save' Hua Zishu on it!

Zhao Jing saw this and her good sister called Li Junyi for her friend actually willing to sacrifice so much! This friendship is really rare, she is happy that she has such a good friend! As a friend, they must live and die with her. So, she also knelt down!

Several boys were surprised when they heard that only this student named Hua Zishu could save the life of their beloved teacher Lin! Although no one doubted the truth of this matter! But this beautiful woman in front of him couldn't be here to act with the life of Miss Lin! Teacher Lin's class of a dozen boys also chose a good place to kneel up!

At this time, the fans who adored Li Junyi also all knelt down! In a flash, there were dozens of students kneeling on the garden floor downstairs! The boys on the floor who were watching didn't know the truth when they realized that the kneeling floor was to save Ms. Lin's life! Also ran out of the dormitory, ran downstairs to kneel!

In a short time, there was a large group of people kneeling. The two men in the janitorial room were dumbfounded! They were thinking that this scene was something that had never happened since the school was founded! Eyes watching all these students kneeling on the ground! The sky was pouring with rain! And they didn't know what to do! They called the security department! The security department was here! They wanted to go up to Hua Zishu to argue! They wanted to go up to Huazishu to argue! But the students were firmly against the security people going after Huazishu! After all, if they offended Hua Zishu, it wouldn't be a matter of kneeling here for a few days and nights to have hope, after all, Mr. Lin's life support was only three days! These students are thinking in their hearts that perhaps he can be called 'strange man' for the sake of it!

Huang Tiansheng returned to the dormitory from the bar long ago! He heard a lot of activity downstairs! When he found out the truth from some of the boys, he stood on the window of the seventh floor! Waiting and watching. However, when he looked at the dense crowd of students kneeling downstairs in this building! His heart didn't know why! But is very panic! Because he is the school's student body president! At this time, should he not go out. But, can he go out and solve the problem? Now he is at a loss, very troubled, after all, he knows that the identity of Lin Shi is not ordinary! Even people from the princeling party like Xiao Daming didn't dare to mess with Lin Shi. The first thing you can do is to guess Lin Shi's identity.

He is not willing to be like those students, silly to kneel in the wind and rain all night, he lies in his bed, but how can not sleep peacefully!


Hua Zishu, who was standing at the window, didn't expect things to happen to this extent! Isn't this getting bigger and bigger? His mood was even more depressed, when he saw Tiesheng also kneeling on the ground, he cursed hatefully: "Good, you want to kneel with the beauty, want to please her heart, I will make you whole! I'll see how long you can kneel!" After saying these words! He then pulled the curtains, then took off his clothes, threw them on the floor in anger, and then climbed into his bed and covered himself with the blanket and went to sleep suddenly!

He encountered this completely out of control situation, the heart can not do ignore the point! Think of the dozens of people kneeling outside, how can you ask him to sleep in peace! He was tossing and turning in bed, having trouble sleeping! But did not know what to do.

He slowly fell asleep in bed!

But the sound of wind and rain outside got louder!

In the rain Li Junyi more could not support! The figure swayed, and Zhao Jing reached out to hold Li Junyi several times, afraid that if one bad thing happened, she would fall to the ground.

"Jun Yi, go back! How can you support yourself?" Zhao Jing said with concern.

Li Junyi shook her head and said, "Jing'er, if you can't support yourself, you can go! I won't blame you, really! If this is the only way to save Mr. Lin, I'm willing to kneel down like this! You don't understand how important Mr. Lin is to someone! Mr. Hayashi was the only one for him! I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to support himself if Mr. Lin went like this!"

Tiesheng buried his head but was speechless! He promised Hua Zishu that he could not reveal anything about his medical skills! He also agreed with Li Junyi's idea, because at present, Hua Zishu was indeed the only straw that saved Mr. Lin's life.

When Shu Ling'er, the only girl on the beauty list who could sing and dance, heard the girls in her class in the dormitory say that they were going to the D dormitory in Area C to ask a miracle doctor to save Mr. Lin's life, she thought it was almost a heavenly nightmare, in her eyes, the legendary miracle doctors should all be old men with white beards! How could it be in a student's dormitory! However, when she and a few girls dressed and ran all the way here, but saw the dormitory under the knees of a dense mass of students, she was very touched! Also very surprised! She has been moved to a mess, she immediately reached out and pulled a few classmates, ran in a few boys looking for a position to kneel down! And also hands together, hoping to impress that divine doctor.

After a while, the front of the building was filled with many people! And also kneeling full of many people!

The wind was howling!

The rain was getting heavier and heavier!

Shu Ling'er she did not expect the weather tonight is very bad! In this stormy night, she saw many boys could not support, suddenly, she had an idea! Tilted her head, cleared her throat, and then bravely sang the song!

"This is the call of the heart

This is the devotion of love

This is the spring breeze of the earth

This is the source of life

No more deserts of the heart

No more wasteland of love

Even death is not to be deterred

The flower of happiness blooms everywhere

Ah ...

If everyone gives a little love

The world will become a better place

Ah ...

If everyone gives a little love

The world will become a better place

When Shu Ling'er sang this song with emotion, the whole audience was very quiet! When she sang the song, she was so moved! Many boys also sang in chorus! The song was loud and clear, and it was so heartfelt that it touched everyone's heart! Many boys held hands and sang the song over and over again! Li Junyi turned around and when she saw that it was Shu Ling'er who was on the same list as herself, she gave Shu Ling'er a grateful look! She also sang with her! The rainstorm has drenched the clothes of the boy and girl.

The boy and girl held hands and sang along with Shu Ling'er. The scene was exciting! Infected everyone! Unfortunately, the 405 dormitory just did not make any noise! Gao Jianjun, Luo Fei, Liu Yan three kneeling together! Three people looked at each other! Can't help but sing.

This is the call of the heart

This is the devotion of love

This is the spring breeze of the earth

This is the source of life

No more deserts of the heart

No more wasteland of love

Even death is not to be deterred

The flower of happiness blooms everywhere

Ah ...

If everyone gives a little love

The world will become a better place

Ah .....

If everyone gives a little love

The world will become a better place

Hua Zishu was already feeling a little guilty! But when he heard the neat and loving song, he was touched too! He slowly got out of bed! He went to the window and pulled back the curtain. Push open the window, but saw the courtyard downstairs is densely packed with people, at least hundreds of people. Through the light, he also saw a lot of girls also joined in! He himself had an impulse! It was tempting to say yes to them, after saying that Ms. Lin was not within his vow! Suddenly, he remembered that in the past five years, the Hua family carried the hatred, the disaster suffered, is not a small amount of their contribution can be solved! No, no, no, he could not save himself! Not for anyone! For the sake of the 132 lives of the Hua family, I must let them feel the pain of losing their lives, losing their loved ones!

The song continues in the storm! The song is still loud and clear! The song is still so heartfelt.

Suddenly! Hua Zishu picked up a pair of sneakers on the floor, not knowing whether they were Luo Fei's or Gao Jianjun's, and he threw them down! With the shoes thrown down after the sound of two boys screaming! Then every one heard the sound coming from that window. "What are you singing? Do you have any sense of decency? I have a class tomorrow! Singing so badly! Don't you want to die of disgust?" The shoes were thrown, and they hit someone! But luckily, one shoe hit a boy's back! The other shoe hit a boy's hand!

Just for a moment, no one in the courtyard sang the song, and suddenly the scene became very silent again.

Shu Ling'er thought in her heart: "This legendary 'strange man' is really big-tempered," and couldn't help but to slightly curl her small mouth. Turning her eyes towards Li Junyi! At this time Li Junyi still kneeling there not moving! The look is very determined.

The wind and rain outside the window is still the same!

Sleeping in the bed of Hua Zishu although covered head, but also in the peace of mind can not sleep.

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