Rescue teachers (III)

I don't know why, but the weather is very bad these days, and now the overcast sky foretells a storm is coming. Dark clouds slowly accumulated over the campus of Yunhai University. A gust of wind blew the trees and plants on the campus.

The students in Cloud Sea College, regardless of gender or where they are on campus, are discussing a most peculiar thing. However, in the discussion of this matter. Every student's face is not the slightest bit of laughter. Instead, they all look worried and swollen.

In the school's supermarket.

The ugly girl wearing a peach-colored back-shirt and army green pants was picking out her necessities! However, the conversation of the three male and female students made her raise her heart, and slowly, without even buying anything, she followed behind them, listening to and understanding every word they said!


She turned around and took three steps to the cashier's office. Put all these things at the counter lift, quickly delivered the money, and hurriedly said to the salesman, "Put it here, I'll come and get it later!" The sales clerk looked at the ugly girl with a strange nervous look! She nodded her head and said, "Yes, Miss."

The ugly girl ran out of the supermarket at a fast pace after saying these words, she was very surprised in her heart now! I didn't think that Grandpa Lin's granddaughter, Sister Lin, was actually seriously ill, and the hospital couldn't cure her, oh my! Why didn't I know about such a big deal? Oh my God! Grandpa Lin is most nervous about his granddaughter! She's the only family he has left. We have to find someone to cure Lin! Otherwise, the consequences would be unthinkable! Thinking of this, she went to an isolated place! Pulled out a silver compact phone from her body! Nervous, she looked around! Then dialed the phone number!

"Hello, Uncle Li, this is Xin'er girl!"

"Do you know that Grandpa Lin's granddaughter is suffering from an incurable disease? Ah! You don't even know! What kind of official are you? Ah! I don't care, you must now find someone nationwide who is highly skilled in medicine to treat Grandpa Lin's granddaughter at our school, what, you ask is my Grandpa Lin! I dizzy! How many people named Lin are there in the Ministry of Defense? Oh my God! Ah! Good thing you know! I told you, Sixth Uncle, you must promise to cure Sister Lin's illness!" The ugly girl uttered these words but with a lot of momentum.

"By the way, uncle, don't panic yet! You can send a person with enough status to be a representative to our school! I heard that there is a student at the school who has excellent medical skills and can save Sister Lin's illness! As long as he does it himself, Grandpa Lin's granddaughter will be saved! It's just that this student is not willing to save people! Right! ... You must now send one to our school within an hour, and you'll know the details! Uncle Lee, I only give you one hour! I want to see someone from your department within an hour ..."

The ugly girl hung up the phone in her hand! Suddenly she remembered the 'strange man' who was reading in the library and she gritted her teeth with hatred! Then she ran towards the library!

Hua Zi Shu would be in the library most of the time! This library has more than a million books! He had nothing to do but read books! However, most of the books he read were about medicine! Because he can be said to have a love for studying medicine.

He sat in front of the window with his books! Facing the window, all his energy was focused on the book in his hand! But did not notice the ugly girl who was scared away by himself actually gasped and came behind him again, he had long sensed someone behind him! He slowly closed the book, turned around to look at the ugly girl slightly flabbergasted, and then smiled at the ugly girl and said: "so quickly figured out, can promise me? Oh!"

The ugly girl instantly understood what this strange man meant when he said that! She cursed in her heart: "Promise you a head! I still want to live a few more years! I want to live a few more years! Be your white mouse, unless I'm insane!" Although these words in the heart, but, mouth she did not dare to say so, she thought about it and said: "I see you every day with this medical art to read! Why don't you take the medical exam!"

Hua Zishu didn't even think about it and said gently, "It's not up to me to decide what school to go to!" He was telling the truth, his seventh uncle arranged for him to study in the school he did not know at all! How could he refuse? Perhaps this arrangement is actually the reason why Uncle Seven does not want him to venture into the medical world!

The ugly girl took a few steps and said, "If I were sick, would you help me treat it!"

Hua Zishu was flabbergasted! Eyes blinked, then gently asked, "Do you have a cold!"

The ugly girl shook her head.

"Do you have a stomachache!" Hua Zishu continued to ask.

The ugly girl shook her head, but she listened to the students at school on this person's comment 'see death not save' the weight of the four words that is not ordinary people can do. She always thought that the heart of anyone in the world is long! Every person should have a good side! When it is the devil is also the case, the ugly girl's heart is really naive. After thinking for a while, she said, "If I have liver cancer, can you help me treat it!"

Hua Zishu did not understand what this girl meant by her words! Without even thinking, he said, "No!"

When the ugly girl heard this, her heart burst into flames, and when her temper came, she walked up and kept very close to Hua Zishu, her face was ugly, but the smell of her anger was quite attractive to Hua Zishu.

Hua Zishu did not notice this, a pair of eyes fixed on the scars on her face! Even, his hand actually can't help but want to touch her face! When the ugly girl saw this, she panicked and hurriedly took a step back! She stretched out her slender finger and pointed at Hua Zishu, saying, "What do you want to do!"

Hua Zishu had a strong interest in the strange and difficult diseases in medicine! Now he saw this ugly girl's face scars and chicken pox and macula WwW .f oxs these things fascinated Hua Zishu!

He felt as if there was something strange about these things on this girl's face! If you let yourself heal her, in less than a month, you will be able to make her face very smooth and soft.

At this point, he doesn't care about anything! He stared at her face and slowly said, "How about this! You become my patient, and I will heal the scars on your face, okay!"

When the ugly girl heard that, she was shocked! She immediately covered her face with both hands, turned around and headed downstairs! Hua Zishu was now itching to go, and as soon as he saw the girl turn around and go, he flew after her!

As soon as the ugly girl saw him coming after her, she was even more panicked, and hurriedly accelerated her pace of running. But in the panic, running in the wrong direction.

This one before and one after, in the school also entwined with that ugly girl's shriek! The students and teachers of many eyes! These eyes all contain the expression of incomprehension! Yes! The number one ugly girl in Yunhai University was actually being chased by someone who was out of breath! And one of them was actually called a miracle doctor! What is this?

The ugly girl didn't know but she ran towards his dormitory! In the blink of an eye, she ran to the area of Building D in Area C and saw a sea of people there! The ugly girl was surprised! Hua Zishu's face at this time but slowly gloomy! At this time, the hundreds of male and female students kneeling were busy gorging themselves on food! Buns, steamed buns, doughnuts, and to top it off, some students were gorging themselves on chicken legs, while others were craning their necks and drinking Pepsi! Around the large group of students were also surrounded by many teachers, professors, both foreign and domestic. They were all standing there dumbfounded! I don't know what to say!

The principal, the director of teaching has long heard the students say that the young man wearing a plain white Zhongshan suit is the divine doctor when they all came forward with a smile on their faces! The ugly girl turned around and looked in amazement at Hua Zishu not far behind her, and she couldn't help but take a few steps backwards! Because this teenager's eyes emit a look of extreme indifference, very cold! With just talking that quiet casual with a very different temperament.

He actually walked past the principal, the director of education! Not a word! Not even the courtesy of greeting the school leaders, it can be seen to what extent his arrogance. For a while, the principal and the head teacher were very embarrassed!

At this time, many of the male and female students kneeling on the ground turned their heads and looked at this miracle doctor in surprise! Some panicked! Some were dumbfounded, and some looked at Hua Zishu with a crying and laughing expression, who didn't know what to say!

Hua Zishu gently walked to Li Junyi's body, looking at her strong kneeling on the ground, with a box of rice and water in front of her! Her lips had long been dry! Her face was haggard!

Hua Zishu nodded slightly, however, still sighed and said faintly: "Li Junyi, you'd better get up! Don't kneel down anymore! This is also meaningless, do you know that the ancients say that life and death are determined by fate?"

The ugly girl also stared at Li Junyi! But in her heart she was thinking, "Is this the pretty girl from Grandpa Li's house? She's really beautiful!"

Li Junyi lifted her head and stared at Hua Zishu with bloodshot eyes! She said word by word, "Who are you to assert that Teacher Lin is the one who should be dead! Do you know that Ms. Lin's identity is different from ordinary people! She has lost her mother and father and is living with her grandfather! Do you know that the most tragic thing is not to send someone with black hair to a white one, but to send someone with white hair to a black one! Mr. Hua, I beg you! For the sake of all of us, please save her!" Her words were very desolate, and they carried shocking language! None of the hundreds of people present were moved! Even Hua Zishu was shocked! However, the play has to be realistic in order for anyone not to doubt themselves.

Now the whole audience resounded like a mountain of voices! "Please, Mr. Hua, save Mr. Lin!"

Suddenly! The principal came over with a smile on his face! He gently said to Hua Zishu, "This Mr. Hua, there is a gentleman over here who asks you to come over! He has something to say to you!"

Hua Zishu turned his head back, took a faint look, and then asked, "Who is looking for me!" At the principal's gesture, he still followed behind the principal and walked over there.

The ugly girl had long seen the man's figure! That's when she dropped her heart! However, she was shocked when she looked at the scene where all the people downstairs were kneeling on the ground to plead for Grandpa Lin's granddaughter! But, she was even more shocked by this 'Zhongshan Wonderful Man' who was determined to make himself his white mouse! How could he be so calm in such a situation? She also thought in her heart, "As expected, he's the number one ranked wonder of Yunhai University!"

Following the principal, the head teacher and others to a classroom that was empty, the young man showed his ID to Hua Zishu! He waved it in front of Hua Zishu's face, and then said in an overbearing tone, "Hello, I am the Wang team of the National Security Bureau, and this is my ID. I'm looking for you because I want to ask student Hua to make sure to treat Lin Shi for her illness! Because this is the need of the country, so this is also an order to you! Make sure to save Teacher Lin Shi!"

"An order!" When Hua Zishu heard that, he was dumbfounded, he didn't know that another big shot from the National Security Bureau was running out now! What he said was so scary, he actually used the state's hat to press people! Hua Zishu deliberately pretended to be dumb and asked, "If I don't get treatment, will the crime be treason!" As soon as this sentence was spoken, the school principal, the head teacher, all froze, their faces changed greatly! They had no idea that this student named Hua had the audacity to reject the powerful institutions of the country! The principal desperately gave Hua Zishu a wink, he hoped that this student would know what was right, there was no need to offend the state!

The young man was also stunned! He actually didn't expect the eccentric teenager in front of him to refuse! His face sank and he said seriously: "Young man, it is better to think carefully, you say such words, are not afraid of causing trouble!"

Hua Zishu suddenly burst out laughing! He looked at this gentle-looking man, but a big shot in the Chinese National Security Bureau with extreme indifference, he laughed coldly, and then turned around and walked out of the classroom, but when he reached the door, he stopped, turned around, and said faintly, "I told you, I'm not going to save her! You just make me a counter-revolutionary, treasonous, or you kill me, I will not save her! I don't care if she, Ms. Lin, is the granddaughter of that high official, in time she is the granddaughter of the President, I won't save her either!" As soon as his words fell, he strode out.

This statement, but the presence of the principal, the director of teaching, the National Security Bureau of the Wang team to shock a word can not say, but dumbfounded to let Hua Zishu leave.

The ugly girl standing under the roof, still immersed in the scene of a hundred people kneeling for medical attention! Suddenly she saw Hua Zishu walking out of that one classroom! She thought the matter had been satisfactorily resolved, but there she knew that her cheerful expression slowly froze as soon as she saw the cold face of that 'strange man'! Hua Zishu walked over, without saying a word to the ugly girl, and walked past her, when he saw many of the students who were kneeling stand up! The scene was boisterous!

A smile appeared on his face! Only this smile gave the impression that instead of warmth, his coldness was felt.

When Tiesheng saw Hua Zishu looking at himself with a pair of cold eyes, he knew that things were failing! Li Junyi also stood up! She didn't know who had helped her up! It was as if her whole body had fallen apart! She was leaning on some girls' bodies! She walked up to Hua Zishu, and although she was very weak, she still maintained a sense of politeness! She smiled at Hua Zishu and said, "Thank you for agreeing to save Teacher Lin!"

Tiesheng looked at Hua Zishu's every word and deed dumbly! He already knew that he had kneeled for so many hours and had completely failed! He didn't know what Hua Zishu's character was like as a person! He just knew that Hua Zishu would definitely refuse.

Hua Zishu calmly said, "When did I promise you to treat Teacher Lin's illness!"

These words were not heavy though! However, when it fell on Li Junyi's ears, it was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue, Li Junyi's body word shook, she clenched her teeth so tightly that her lips were biting blood! She said, "Didn't you promise?"

"Have you kneeled for the full three days and three nights?" Hua Zishu asked softly. Then he shook his head and went to his dormitory.

Suddenly, Li Junyi cried out with a painful "wow"! She cried, but all the people in the room were more than sad, many boys were out of control and surrounded Hua Zishu with an excited look! To ask for an explanation! Some even grabbed a brick and wanted to smash Hua Zishu's head!

Hua Zishu stood there calmly, with a calm face. He looked coldly at the group of students who seemed to want to eat him alive!

Suddenly, he became furious and pointed his hand at the boys standing in front of him and cursed: "Fuck, don't say you will do what you can't do! You are not men! You promised to kneel for three days and three nights! Have you done it? When did I promise to let you get up now and I will save Ms. Lin! I'm standing here today, do it! Let's see if you have any shame! Fuck, I'm telling you now! I can save Mr. Lin's illness! But I also tell you that I will never save her! You want to ask why? I'll tell you I have many reasons not to save her! Let me tell you three reasons first! First: I'm not a doctor! I do not have a medical certificate! Second: I'm afraid of threats. A big shot from the National Security Bureau just came and threatened me, saying that if I didn't save Ms. Lin, he'd make me guilty of treason! I'd like to see how he'd convict me of treason! Third: I'm in an extremely bad mood today because of you guys! I am not in the mood to save people. I will not save anyone who dies in front of me now!" His words fell on everyone's ears, and no less than three hundred people on the field could hear them clearly.

In an instant, the whole room was silent!

The ugly girl's face turned pale! She finally understood how hard and cold this man's heart was! She also finally understood that the person she had found had actually messed up this matter! She looked helplessly at the young man who was on the phone in the distance! She didn't know what to say! She was even afraid that this person would release the matter of the NSA threatening him through the reporters, and if the whole country knew about it, it would add a lot of trouble to Uncle Li.

Li Junyi now also understood that someone from the NSA had actually threatened him! Oh my God! This is why! She suddenly felt as if her whole body had been drained, and she was weak. She looked dazed, and now she wanted to cry, but found that she could not cry at all. At once, she felt that the sky was spinning, and all of a sudden, her eyes rolled over and she fainted in the arms of some female students! Everyone panicked and ran towards the hospital carrying Li Junyi on their backs!

The distant Xiao Daming saw, very alarmed, he was busy instructing a few students to send Li Junyi to the hospital, he turned back, eyes showing a murderous look at the figure of Hua Zishu. A touch of murderousness emerged in his heart.

Everyone here looked at Hua Zishu with a pair of hateful eyes, and every one of them shouted in their hearts, "Expel him! Expel this cold-blooded animal! He doesn't deserve to be a student of this college. We strongly demand that the school expel this heartless and liverless person from school! Otherwise, we automatically withdraw from the school!"

"Yes, expel this person who doesn't deserve to be a student from the school! We'll make a joint petition! If you don't expel him, expel us!" A student from the student council led the chanting of slogans! In a flash, hundreds of people in the room responded.

"I pooh-pooh!" A boy walked up to Hua Zishu and fiercely crushed a mouthful into the ground! This was followed by many male and female students passing by him, all shattering their mouths at him and saying extremely hurtful things on their lips!

Hua Zishu stood there, not moving a muscle! In his heart, he was secretly happy! Just don't let any of them suspect yourself, even if you lose in more, you'll be fine. However, he still felt a sense of despondency and sadness in his heart.

However, his face still maintains a calm and calm!

Tiesheng stood in a far corner, he just watched Li Junyi's back and stared.

The ugly girl was standing under a tree! Looking at Hua Zishu's back disappointed, she did not know why, an abnormal feeling rose in her heart!