Conference Controversy

For the first time, the Academic Affairs Office of the university received a collective joint petition from the student union! After reading it, Director Deng of the Academic Affairs Office was covered in cold sweat and felt that the matter was too big! He couldn't make a decision himself! He had to send the proposal to Principal He's office! The principal should be allowed to decide on matters like this.

Principal Ho was a kind old man! He became the principal of this school because he has a reputation as a titan in the cultural world! At this moment he is frowning, his face is even more cloudy! He sat on the sofa and inadvertently saw Director Deng of the Education Department hovering back and forth at the door of his office, he knew it must be something bad again, sighed and beckoned him to come in.

Director Deng entered Principal He's office, without saying anything, and directly put the letter in front of the principal! The principal hurriedly glanced at it, staring at Director Deng in confusion, and asked, "This is something!"

"This is a joint proposal sent up by the student council!" Director Deng had cold sweat on his head, but still said cautiously.

Principal He put on his eyes and gave the proposal, which was enough to have several pages, a once over! Then, put down the proposal in his hand, slowly remove the glasses, sighed and asked: "Old Deng ah! This thing has never happened ah! This thing has happened, you say, we should do what to deal with the decision ah!"

Director Deng thought for a moment and said, "This proposal is a suggestion, it's a naked threat to the school! If they don't expel Hua Zishu, they will automatically drop out of school! Do you think this tone is a proposal? And this point, why he did not save Ms. Lin, as a doctor, even the minimum morality has been degraded, still deserve to be called a university student! My goodness, Principal He! Where is the truth in what these students say? Ah! Who can prove that Hua Zishu is a miracle doctor? Who can prove that Mr. Lin's illness can be cured? Besides, Ms. Lin has called back and said she's cured! I think there is a certain force behind this matter, manipulating these students! I don't know if this manipulative force is targeting Hua Zishu without question!"

Principal He stood up and said, "Hua Zishu's personality is indeed rather aloof and eccentric! He does not get along well with his classmates! But I haven't heard that he's ever gone too far! Before the rescue of Mr. Lin, there was a lot of commotion, almost all the colleges and universities in the country know about this matter! And there are many students from the college speaking on the Internet in support! Hua Zishu's personality is really too rigid, probably offended a lot of people in school! However, the other day I heard that there was a vicious retaliation! I also saw the pictures taken by the students! It is really excessive, but, as a student, he Hua Zishu offended who in the end ah!"

Director Deng now wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead and said, "The key now is to give the students an answer at noon! Otherwise, they may have to march and demonstrate!"

Principal He was shocked and asked, "What do you mean, what do these students want? What kind of place do you think our school is? Ah!"

Director Deng was also uncomfortable! He took a few steps back and forth and said, "What should we do now!"

Principal He looked at the time on the wall and said, "Call every age in the school, department heads, teachers who are not in class, professors, and teachers from the logistics office to go to the meeting room! Bring all these things to the conference room! Let those teachers make a resolution!"


The principal's secretary printed out dozens of copies of the proposal and sent them to each teacher. When each teacher read the proposal in his or her hand, it was like an explosion, and the noise was very lively! The principal also frowned! The principal frowned and thought, "Teachers gathered together are no better than a class of naughty students! Doesn't the discipline in this room speak for itself? I think! I think these teachers are probably the reason why they have been shopping in the market for a long time!"

Zhou Wenjin stood up and said, "I disagree with the school's proposal to agree to the student council. This Hua Zishu is a student in my class, I know him best, although he has less time in class! However, he still passed all his exams! In saying that, this medical treatment to save people's lives, even the hospital's expert professors are helpless, do I, the student is able to bring Mr. Lin back to life! Saying this is not a joke under the sun," the class guide of the Department of Biology teacher literary standards are not far behind.

An older teacher stood up and said: "Mr. Zhou, you can't say that, we will also discuss the matter, this Hua Zishu if you have the ability to save Mr. Lin's life and not reach out to save, this is indeed with the murder no doubt! After all, we all know that the doctor, parents heart ah! We do not care whether Hua Zishu has the ability, in hypothetical terms, assuming that he is skilled in medicine, can bring Mr. Lin back to life, but he is indifferent to the teacher's condition, such a student, our school teaching the benefit of ah! How about opening it, to calm the anger of a group of students in the student body! Think about it, students in that school are willing to beg for their teacher's condition! It is evident that this group of students is also a heart of a child, for the sake of Mr. Lin's condition, they willingly kneeled in the rain and wind all night! Ask the teachers here, such students, we as teachers, and how to return it!"

"Teacher Yu, you're wrong about that! Now we are not in the time to make any assumptions, but to know the student council proposed to expel Hua Zishu from school, please ask, this Hua Zishu in the end has committed that article of the student regulations, he killed, he stole, he got poor grades, or what, in said, now that Mr. Lin has recovered his health! The student council will expel a student from my class with this request, which is absolutely impossible to do! And by the way, are there any student regulations that expel students for having the ability to save a teacher's life and then ignoring it? This is simply absurd," said Mr. Zhou righteously.

Mr. Yu said: "The key is that the four hundred and fifty-eight students have signed a joint petition, asking the school to expel Huazi Shu, if the school does not expel, they will soon withdraw from school! Please ask Mr. Zhou, what do you think our school should do! What should we do? Should we just keep one person and let the rest of the 400 students drop out? If this matter goes to the board of directors, I am afraid that no one here, including the principal, can afford to take the responsibility!"

Mr. Zhou said, "I will convince the students to willingly withdraw their submissions! OK!"

Teacher Zhang, a female teacher, tapped the table and said softly, "Looking at the articles of the proposal alone, it's true that it's not enough to expel Hua Zishu! But their joint petition is indeed a sword, the school will have to pay attention to the students will not often use this to blackmail the school! This group of students can joint petition, I'm afraid that some kind of forces are compelled or instigated, these students have a deep hatred of Hua Zishu, that is also deserved! However, Hua Zishu should not be expelled, I personally agree with Mr. Zhou's opinion! Because everything the proposal said above is not enough to expel Hua Zishu! Besides, Mr. Lin has recovered! He is now recuperating! In less than half a month, Mr. Lin will be back to serve in the school! After all, I'm sure you've all been on the campus network and read about Hua Zishu's vicious retaliation, so we should bring this up too! The students watched Hua Zishu fall in a pool of blood, no one went to the rescue, and also gathered around the side to watch the fun! Some students even viciously took pictures and spread them on the Internet! Some students even took vicious photos and spread them on the Internet! The quality of these students pursued up and Hua Zishu did not save Mr. Lin, if the school to expel Hua Zishu, I'm afraid that all the students who watched the day last Saturday ..."

Ms. Zhang's words were like adding fuel to the fire, she continued, "At least I know at least five male students who were in the crowd that Saturday morning are on the list of proposals! If we follow the advice of the student council to deal with Hua Zishu! Then, we will definitely deal with these five students as well! For the rest, they can still be traced!"

"Teacher Zhang, I support you!"

"I agree with Mr. Zhou's opinion! It's best to go out now and convince the students to be able to maintain basic calm! Do not expand the extent of things ....."

"Let me say this, since when can the opinion of the student council sway the school's policy! Hua Zishu's behavior can at most constitute a charge of immorality, if we have to expel students because of this, as I see it, I'm afraid that all the thousands of students in our school will have to be expelled, and our school will be closed!"


The teachers all expressed their opinions! There is a lot of noise, each has its own opinion, do not give way to each other, the conference room immediately became a battlefield of verbal arguments! Principal He was speechless, and Director Deng was uncertain!

The meeting continued to open ...

In the end, Principal He saw that there was no result, he had no choice but to make this proposal into minutes and submit them to the board of directors, so that the directors can take note of it!

The first time Hua Zishu went to the office of the student council after class! The ugly girl followed him in stride!

"Hey, why are you following me?" Hua Zishu looked back at the ugly girl and asked in a nonchalant manner.

The ugly girl blinked and said, "I'm going with you to settle accounts with the student council."

Hua Zishu shook his head and said, "Looking for the student council to reason with that is my own business, you go to do ah! After all, I don't need your help either!"

The ugly girl clenched her fist and waved it in front of Hua Zishu's face, shouting, "I'll go to the head of the student council to reason with them too! Why do they have to make me unclear with you! And they even made me and you sound so ambiguous! I want them to publicly apologize to me in the school newspaper! Then I'll stop! Otherwise, I'll kill him! Hmph!" She paused, raised another newspaper in her hand and said, "I've brought all the evidence! They can't cheat! Hmph! How dare they provoke me!"

Hua Zishu reached out and took the newspaper in the ugly girl's hand, unfolded it, searched around, and asked, "Where is it!"

The ugly girl reached out and pointed to one of the panels, then looked at Hua Zishu and said gently, "This is the place, tell me if what they did was too much!"

When Hua Zishu saw it, he had a headache! He shoved the newspaper into her hand and went to the office of the student council.

At this time, those gossiping male and female students in the school who had nothing to do saw Hua Zishu and the ugly girl walking together again, and very close, there was a lot of talk, and various versions of rumors were flying around .....