Confused Heart

After Hua Zishu arranged things for the two girls, he walked around the campus alone!

Paying no heed to the students of both sexes on campus pointing at him! He was just thinking about what he should really do from now on! After provoking Xiao Da Ming today, if he could be sure that the two martial arts experts who attacked him last time were ordered by Xiao Da Ming, then he really wouldn't dare to fight him! Although now his own cultivation has improved a lot! But if you have to expose martial arts for this matter, it is worried that the trouble will be more constant in the future, in saying! The fire five years ago seems to involve more people! According to the words of the seventh uncle, behind the fire is estimated that there are many forces that have not revealed themselves, their own power is now thin! Still need to be more careful everywhere! The bad thing is that Li Junyi already knows that he is the doctor who saved Mr. Lin, so will Mr. Lin know about it?

He is now thinking a lot, but he has no idea, his heart is heavy, but he is worried a lot. He really does not know what makes Li Junyi so sure that he is the doctor who saved Ms. Lin! Could it be that he had evidence of the fallen scene! Evidence, oh my! Could it be this damn library card! Did Li Junyi lie to herself today? She wasn't sure it was me! My library card must have been lost in Ms. Lin's room! The number of this library card can be read from the computer room in the library! No wonder, at dinner she asked herself if she had any friends in this school! No wonder she asked herself at dinner if she had any friends at this school, but she said no. If not, then what is the explanation for dropping my library card in Ms. Lin's room!

"Ugh! This is really a hundred secrets and one oversight! This Li girl is really a genie, how can this be good in the future!" Thinking of this, Hua Zishu was even more depressed. He had to go back to the dormitory and sleep.

Ma Wenjun, Xiao Daming, Wang Shaofeng, Huang Tiansheng and Xue Taishan were drinking in the bar. Xiao Daming drank a cup and another cup in depression. With an open and wild demeanor, he raised his head and cursed, "The day after tomorrow, I will kill him in the ring!"

Huang Tiansheng said indifferently, "You'd better force him to sign a life and death contract! Have you seen the movie "Huo Yuanjia"? As long as you sign the life and death certificate, you deserve to die!"

"Will the school put an end to this matter!" Wang Shaofeng's brow gently wrinkled, because he felt that with them is too much danger! Move to have people die! This is not a good sign! In the future, he had better be smart, he suddenly remembered the old man's warning to himself at home again, so he did not say a word, so he had to sit there and drink sullen wine!

The bottles in front of Xue Taishan were getting bigger and bigger, so he waved his hand and said with a big grin, "What the hell are you talking about? Why don't you listen to me, find a killer or two, just use the best time to kill him, and get it over with! Have you not seen the news this time, a Korean student in the United States campus with a submachine gun bloodshed campus, how powerful!"

Ma Wenjun did not say a word, this is the eyes stared at the center of the dance floor!

"You look at the sack!" Xue Taishan turned his eyes to look at the appearance of Ma Wenjun and asked.

"Look at the two women in the middle of the dance floor slutty ah!" Ma Wenjun pointed over there and said, "Look at their snake-like waist, round and arse, snowflake-like thighs, front and back, so cool! Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. I fucking want to put her on the spot!" Ma Wenjun said cheekily, "Taishan, how does it feel to see it! Do you want to go on it?"

"I CAO, go on! Still waiting for it! Better get the two women to the women's club! **I'm just about to collapse! If I don't get them today, I'll be sorry for my brothers! I'll be sorry if I don't get them today!" The first one is to go into the dance floor without saying hello to Huang Tiansheng and Xiao Daming. But Ma Wenjun was one step behind! He was so angry that he cursed himself: "Why do I always have to be one step behind him in terms of speed when it comes to picking up girls! Holy shit!"

Huang Tiansheng and Xiao Daming were muttering something together! They didn't notice Ma Wenjun and Xue Taishan!

Wang Shaofeng stood up and said he was going to the bathroom!

"Do you think it is a sure win ah! That Hua Zishu looks like a weak look though! But his bottom we have not figured out so far ah!" Huang Tiansheng did not know how things, as soon as he heard the surname Hua, he felt uncomfortable! As if this word brings him a lot of pressure in general! He ordered a large bottle of foreign wine! Said: "Anyway, it's Xue Taishan's account, let's drink properly!"

Xiao Daming had had enough to drink by now! He reluctantly picked up the bottle and said, "Still you are enough brother, enough buddy, come, come, let's cheers!"


Hua Zishu woke up and found that the sky was bright, he stretched his arms, feeling all comfortable, because his strange gong cultivation would have been very troublesome! There know this Hua Zishu teenager, because of an accidental injury let him lie in bed, he looked bored in bed, and it is difficult to sleep, he simply follow the recipe to practice the Hun Tian Yi Qi Gong!

There know a week of kung fu, his kung fu progressed rapidly, so that his master also confused! This Hua Zishu also did not understand what the reason! He only knew that as long as he couldn't sleep every night, as long as he recited the recipe, he would naturally enter the practice state.

He got up from bed! He washed up and changed his clothes, which were the same cheap black casual clothes! When he changed his clothes, Gao Jianjun, Liu Yan and Luo Fei in the dormitory were dumbfounded! When they waited for Hua Zishu to walk out the door, Luo Fei took the lead and asked, "The sun came out from the west today!"

"His brain is not injured, right!"

"This is the power of love, right!" Liu Yan remembered the photos of Hua Zishu and Li Junyi issued on the forum of their intimacy, and Li Junyi's declaration, and he was dizzy! A lot of pain.

"If he doesn't wear Zhongshan suit after this, this scenery of our school will disappear! Alas!" Luo Fei muttered to himself.

Gao Jianjun nodded with a smile and said, "This person, there is no unchanging ah! Oh! Maybe the power of love is really great!"

Liu Yan gave him a blank look, did not say a word, pulled the quilt over his head and went back to sleep.

As soon as Hua Zishu came downstairs, he saw Li Junyi, wearing a crisp green shirt, denim big-legged pants, her hair softly draped over her shoulders, her hands clutching a book, standing there talking to some boys!

As soon as Li Junyi saw Hua Zishu walking out! She smiled and said, "Excuse me, my boyfriend is here! I have to go now, bye!" As soon as she finished her words, she walked towards Hua Zishu! As soon as she looked at Hua Zishu's clothes, she said, "I didn't think you'd change your clothes and give off a different look!"

Hua Zishu asked, "Why did you come here so early in the morning?"

Li Junyi smiled and said, "I have a date with you!"

"What are you talking about! Yesterday I was acting with you, how can you take it seriously!" Hua Zishu said.

Li Junyi stared and pointed her finger at Hua Zishu and said, "I took it seriously yesterday! What I said was not a lie! What, you think I'm lying to you?"

Hua Zishu was already young! He thought that she was using herself as a shield yesterday. He didn't think she was serious! Oh my God! What the hell is this? When he turned his head to look at the playful and lovely Li Junyi, his heart was slowly wavering! However, he found that the place was already surrounded by many male students, and it might not be convenient to talk, he said, "Sorry, I have to attend class today!"

"I have read for you, you are not in a compulsory class today, but an elective class, I can accompany you in this class, yo!" Li Junyi said enthusiastically.

Hua Zishu raised his hand to look at the time and found that it was still early, he tensed his face, not knowing what to say to her! He had no choice but to bypass the male students and go straight to the cafeteria!

"Thank you for yesterday afternoon! I didn't expect you to be so good at drinking!" Li Junyi said with embarrassment.

Hua Zishu remembered yesterday's meal and he said, "It's not that I'm a good drinker, but you two young ladies like drinking too much! One cup after another! I didn't drink many cups, several bottles of wine were all drunk by you guys, I can't even think of not getting drunk!"

"We're drunk, we didn't make a fool of ourselves, right?" Li Junyi asked with a red face.

Hua Zishu shook his head gently and said, "It's okay!"

Suddenly! Xiao Daming appeared in front of them like a ghost! And gave Li Junyi a fright.

Li Junyi impatiently said, "What the hell do you want!"

"Nothing, I just want to remind you that tomorrow at one o'clock noon, I'm waiting for you!" Xiao Daming stared with blood-red eyes, poked his finger at Hua Zishu's chest, finished the sentence then ate a shock and asked, "Ee, why did you change your clothes today! Do not wear your dead Zhongshan suit clothes! The sun today! Is it fucking rising from the west!"

"You're just a crazy person!" Li Junyi pulled Hua Zishu away and left in a hurry!


Hua Zishu was stunned!

Only to see Huang Xinwen and Xie Lei walking from the opposite side! The girl beside her seemed to have seen her somewhere! However, Hua Zishu didn't think carefully! He just swept a glance, still kept his indifferent face, and walked towards the cafeteria with Li Junyi without looking away!