Xinwen Matters

Principal He once again received a call from Chairman Zhao of the Board of Directors!

Because of the refusal of Hua Zishu to duel with Xiao Daming, the students in the school had a lot of complaints about the student council, and for the sake of the face of the student council, they crossed the line and submitted a joint proposal to expel Hua Zishu to the board of directors, if this matter is not resolved within two days! If the matter is not resolved within two days, then the more than 400 students who submitted the joint proposal will be automatically expelled!

Now, the board of directors panicked and went to the phone and asked Principal He to expel Hua Zishu by any means today! Principal He heard that, so angry that an old face is black! He stood up and "snapped", slapped the table heavily and cursed loudly: "Fuck, Chairman Zhao, in what name do you want me, the old man, to fire Hua Zishu, I beg you, you give me a name, I do as you say!"

Chairman Zhao of the Board of Directors was embarrassed when he heard that He Lao was furious. He read the proposal and knew that several of the suggestions on it were not valid for the dismissal of Hua Zishu. But, he also difficult ah! You do not think he is a very powerful chairman, but there are many pressures have to let themselves back. Alas! He also felt very difficult! Think about it, you have to have a crime to expel a student! The Song Dynasty had a trumped up charge for killing Yue Fei! Today, we have to use the same trumped-up charge against a student! Is this still the Chinese education sector?

Principal He found Hua Zishu in room 405 of the Biology Department's dormitory building, and the two of them were facing each other, and no one was talking, Principal He couldn't face Hua Zishu's cold eyes! Stammering for most of the day, before the matter was clear. Then handed him a bank card, said: "The school board determined that you in the matter of saving Mr. Lin's life some time ago to maintain the death of the situation, resulting in a national accusation, and the impact is too huge. The school meeting agreed that you do not have the basic morality of a student, so you implement the decision to dissuade him from school! This card contains three million dollars! It's your tuition for the next three years! We have already taken care of the withdrawal for you, so you can decide when to leave school. But I think the best thing is now."

Hua Zishu was very angry after hearing these words from Principal He! He could not wait to let out his deep dissatisfaction with the sky, but he held back the grief and anger and stood silently in the room! Principal He patted his shoulder and said, "The private college has this power, I can't protect you, I'm really sorry!"

Hua Zishu smiled heatedly and said, "It doesn't matter, I'll rest for a while and then I'll move out right away!" After he said this, he began to pack his luggage items.

Today is Saturday, there is no class, Gao Jianjun outside the campus around a few laps, feeling very bored, simply returned to the dormitory, he has not been online for a long time to read posts, today there is nothing to do, he surfed the Internet, poor him, the Internet is also to read books, and others play chess, read some study materials, he is a typical game idiot. However, his favorite thing is to browse the school campus forum! He came up and accidentally saw a post called "Cloud University Celebrity List" in the People section of the forum, and he felt very curious. He clicked on it.

The first in the list of celebrities is actually the 'Zhongshan strange man' Huazishu. He thought about it, it's only natural, the battle he made is not a bluff! He does not not rank first, there is really no one else ranked first. A look at the click rate, oh my! Over 80,000 now, with thousands of replies. He was extremely interested in his friend from this dorm. He also clicked on his name and didn't expect to click on his profile! The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market. The photos were well taken, making him very handsome, which shows how profound the photographer's kung fu is. However, Gao Jianjun saw a top article "about Hua Zishu was cruel retaliation" is more than 100,000 clicks, more than 10,000 replies, he looked at that article, the text is vitriolic, Hua Zishu encountered others retaliation and feel very excited, but also for Hua Zishu did not save Mr. Lin and was retaliated against, feel retribution! Hua Zishu refused to duel for love cowardly and other articles. With many photos, from the photos to see Hua Zishu fell in a pool of blood! The body is still pressed by a huge stone! And face full of blood, a pair of feet are also buried by the stone. The image is very miserable! Unfortunately, he was surrounded by many male and female students, and unfortunately everyone looked on with smiling faces, and none of them gave him any help!

He looked at the dozens of photos of the mega depiction, looking at those "deserved" "cool" "pity, not crushed to death" and so on replies, feeling alarmed. He felt a little unbelievable, he did not know why he began to sympathize with this dormitory never talk to their own people, a dormitory roommates but strangers, suddenly, he felt how bleak and sad between people! Being hurt actually no one can reach out to help! That feeling made Gao Jianjun a heart as if someone had been torn away that lost! If this world, between people, the loss of friendship, the loss of care, it will be a very sad thing ah!

He couldn't bear to look at it, he turned off the computer, turned around, suddenly, raised his head and saw Hua Zishu's bed empty, his heart tightened, he was looking at Hua Zishu's suitcase is not in the dormitory, so he muttered: "Could it be that he has moved out of the dormitory! He had just thought of this when suddenly, the phone rang! He went over and grabbed the phone and said, "Hey, who are you looking for ..... I'm sorry ... he's not here, he's relocated! Not living in this dorm anymore, yes! No relation! Bye-bye!"

He just put down the phone! Someone kept knocking on the door, he opened the door, but saw Tiesheng staring indifferently at Gao Jianjun, who could not help but take a step back by his gaze! He hesitated for a moment and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Hua Zishu" this person's voice reveals a cold! He was the second ranked person on the school's celebrity list. The words that came out were very powerful.

"Sorry, he's not here!" Gao Jianjun replied.

Tiesheng said gently, "When he comes back, please pass on the message for me that Tiesheng is looking for him!"

Gao Jianjun nodded and said, "He probably doesn't live in this dorm anymore, his bed is empty, and his luggage is not in the dorm anymore! I guess he has already relocated out!"

Tiesheng asked eagerly, "Do you know where he went?"

Gao Jianjun shook his head and said, "I didn't see him as soon as I returned to the dormitory!"

Tiesheng thought about it, and without saying a word, turned around and left.

Gao Jianjun exhaled gently, he rubbed his chest with his hand, then turned around and closed the door of his room.


Huang Xinwen has been inquiring about that Hua Zishu for some time now! Knowing that he was going to compete with Xiao Daming, she went to beg her brother to spare this Hua's horse! Unfortunately, her brother rejected him ruthlessly! She was depressed these days. The mood was very low, sitting dully in front of the window, holding a small knife toy in her hand, she always recalled that scene in the past!

A simple teenager standing in front of himself, like an adult to tell himself many words, careful care, tell her jokes, play with her, and even treat her illness, and every night to put her to sleep! She once told him that he was her protector, her savior, and would definitely be his bride in the future. However, she became his nightmare, she became his burden, she became his ..... She didn't dare to think about it, she just had to think about the roaring fire! She was in pain, those people are like their own kind old man, kind aunt, and called their own fairy sister innocent and smart children! Overnight, because of their own ignorance, to their behalf came the end of the disaster! She watched them reach out to her for help, but she was so scared that she fled ... just thinking about it made her head hurt! She saw Hua Zishu being pinned to the ground by a stone, as if she saw him in the midst of those flames!

Why did she bring them a disaster! Why is that?

Thinking of this, she immediately climbed on the windowsill and buried her head and cried loudly! The sound of crying was very sorrowful and sad! The sisters in her dorm were baffled. No one knew what this was all about!

"Wen Wen, what's wrong with you, did someone bully you in school? Tell your sister, she will do it for you," Lin Jing, the older one in the dormitory, came over and put her arm around Huang Xinwen's shoulders and said comfortingly.

"Yes! Wen Wen, don't cry! Tell us, we'll take revenge for you!" Another girl with a Tyrannosaurus-like temper came to her side in blue pajamas and said with crossed eyebrows and angry eyes.

Huang Xinwen raised her head, a pair of eyes with tears, can not help but to live with themselves, "sister, am I bad, am I repulsive, do you know? Sister, I'm the worst, I once abandoned a boy who saved me! He saved my life, he pulled me back from the brink of death, he gave me hope, but what I brought him was not laughter, not hope, but a devastating disaster, a disaster that cost him his life, his home, his parents, I hate myself so much, really, sister, I hate myself so much, I saw Hua Zishu fall under a stone that morning, his face covered in blood, and I thought of Him! It was as if I saw him struggling in the flames! My heart hurt so much then, so much, but I didn't know what to do!

"Huazi book ... Wen Wen sister, are you talking about that Yun Da ranking on the first called 'Zhongshan Qi Ren'!" Lin Jing asked in surprise.

Huang Xinwen had an extreme headache. She rubbed her head with her hand and said in a low voice: "En! I don't know why I look at him as if I want to see him in general! The two of them give me a feeling as if they seem to be, but, yet, they have different personalities and different faces.

Lin Jing asked in amazement: "Wen Wen, what the hell are you talking about! We are all confused by that he that you said in your mouth.

"Sister Lin! The Hua Zishu I'm talking about is very similar to the boy who saved my life! That boy's name is Hua Tian Xiang!" Huang Xinwen wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her hand and said.

"Hua Tianxiang, Hua Zishu, Wen Wen, could they be the same person!" The girl in the blue pajamas came over and said.

Huang Xinwen shook her head, said: "I do not know, I feel that they are the same person, but from the face, behavior, speech, personality, style of handling, etc. they are not the same person! Hua Tianxiang is a miracle doctor, he can cure all the terminal diseases I suffer from!"

"Ah! Many people at school say that Hua Zishu is also a miracle doctor! Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people going down on their knees to him to request him to cure Teacher Lin Shi! Could they be connected!" Lin Jing asked.

Huang Xinwen faintly shook her head and said, "I don't know, I don't know, I get a headache when I think of him! I am so sorry now, if God gives me the chance to come again, I will trade my life for his life."

Lin Jing put her arm around Huang Xinwen and said sensually, "Time has passed for so long, let him go with the wind! You don't have to condemn yourself either! Even if you live in pain and blame, it won't help! You know what? You're still young, you're only 21 years old, you're in a beautiful season! You don't want to dwell on the past! Okay?"

Huang Xinwen felt exhausted and fell into Lin Jing's embrace, she felt that this embrace seemed very warm! She slowly closed her eyes.