Shadow of Death (V)

Hua Zishu bought many herbs in the major herbal markets in Yunhai City, and finally handled the consignment, so that the delivery guys there could send the medicine to his villa.

He stood alone, with nothing to do, on the overpass of the President Road in Yunhai City, looking indifferently at the many, many pedestrians, with sorrow! Terror! Coming and going from north to south.

He was wearing a mask, walking alone in the middle of the crowds coming and going on the street, step by step! Many pedestrians passed him by, and he looked at these hurried passers-by with ugly faces, and very tired! His frown deepened. He had just reached the crossroads and was about to turn! Suddenly! A young girl in front of him bent over, reached out and covered her mouth and coughed violently a few times! Then without taking a few steps, she fell headlong to the ground! The roadside immediately surrounded by many people over!

Huazi Shu saw this scene, he helplessly sighed, he is now in a very dull mood, sad! Can not say a word. The heart is blocked! He already knows the fate of the girl, and he is currently powerless! He then remembered the villa home still lying in bed Qin Huixiang! He shook off his head, beckoned a cab, told the driver the address, and he saw through the window a middle-aged man carrying the young girl hurrying towards the hospital! He shook his head coldly! Because he had seen that the girl's head had tilted down, clenching the fingers of the fist has slowly loosened. Obviously, it was difficult to bring the dead back to life even if the great gods came down to earth.

Back to the villa! When he paid, he suddenly found that the driver looked tired, and yawned constantly, a pair of eyes turned between the vague can see a trace of blood red! He frowned and thought, stepped forward and reached out and took the middle-aged driver's pulse! After a probe, in the middle-aged man's amazement, he reached out and turned his eyelids! Sure enough the tinge of blood red had filled both of his pupils!

"You can't be driving! Better not go home either! You'd better go to the hospital! Otherwise, your family will die because of you! That's all I have to say, think about it yourself!" Hua Zishu said indifferently.

"You're crazy! Nonsense, not a single good word!" The driver cursed, then reversed the car and quickly drove the car to the highway!

Hua Zishu let out a sigh! Looked at the number of the car! Then turned around and walked into the villa! Took out the key and opened the door, then went up to the second floor, only to find an imposing middle-aged man and a pale Qin Huaixiang actually sitting in the living room on the second floor.

"Why are you out! Don't go lie down on the bed yet!" Hua Zishu faintly glanced at the majestic middle-aged man, who had an extraordinary aura and was dressed in an expensive suit, and at a glance, he knew that he was a big shot in a high position. Hua Zishu did not know who he was, just nodded at him! Then grabbed the phone and dialed the phone number of the traffic police brigade "Hey, traffic brigade? The driver is a patient and may die at any time! Please stop it quickly, otherwise there will be a collision! The consequences are very serious. The car's number is! Cloud C34582" finished the words, put down the phone! Then said to Qin Huaixiang: "By the way, how do you feel today, have you ever coughed!"

Qin Huaixiang shook his head and said, "No cough, just still weak! There is always a great discomfort in my heart"

"If you feel uncomfortable, go back to your room and lie down!" Hua Zishu stood up and said indifferently.

"He is my father," Qin Huixiang did not know how to introduce! Just said this, and then said: "Dad, I'm going back to my room to rest!"

"No, your current situation is so bad, I still do not feel at ease, I have called the hospital, they have prepared a special ward for you, and there is a special nurse care! I'd be surprised if I could rest assured if I put you here! You go pack your things! We'll leave right away!" Qin Jun was uncomfortable when he saw this young man! He looks ordinary, and wears strange clothes, but also very cheap, and speaks without manners and manners. Talking to people, and actually wearing a mask, hum, how my daughter will be with such unqualified people, that is exactly to give the Qin family a bad name! Humph, I will definitely not let this happen. When he thought of this, he stood up! Deliberately in a kind tone, he asked, "This young man, what should I call him!"

Hua Zishu walked out from the bathroom after washing his hands! As soon as he heard the middle-aged man ask about his surname, he took off a mask from the room, walked over to Qin Jun, and handed it over! Said: "Hello, uncle, my surname is Hua, I am a tenant here. Now outside the infectious disease is more powerful! You put on the mask, go out to prevent some! It's also better!"

Qin Jun said with a faint smile, "Thank you for your kindness, I do not see the need for it! I have not put those small diseases to the eye!" Then paused, scanned a glance at Hua Zishu, and said, "Young man, this house will only be rented to you for half a year! After half a year, I will take the house back, not in the rent out, then you have to go busy! I'm really sorry!" Said, politely put his hand over.

Hua Zishu looked at the hand in mid-air, he nodded and said, "Okay, the contract expires, I will take the initiative to move! Will not make things difficult for you!" As soon as the words were finished, he turned around and walked towards the kitchen. The kitchen was frying medicine. He had to master the fire.

Hua Zishu's nonchalant tone made Qin Jun so angry that he almost fainted on the floor! He gave the young man's back a fierce glare and said, "What a rude brat! Hmph! We'll see." In fact, Qin Jun had no idea what Hua Zishu's intention was! Because Hua Zishu knew that he had been infected because he was taking care of Qin Huaixiang! He had been controlling the toxins in his body, so he didn't look as emaciated as the patient! In this situation, he didn't want to infect him, so that's why he didn't shake hands with him. It wasn't the reason of not knowing how to be polite. This instead gave Qin Jun a misunderstanding!

Qin Huaixiang originally did not want to go home, but, she did not know why this time more originally stronger than dad! She had to pack up her luggage! Close the door of the room! Then she walked to the kitchen and said to Hua Zishu, "Sorry, I'm going home now!"

"You don't have to say sorry to me, and I have nothing to do with it, by the way, you're lying home must be contagious to all the people in your family! When it's serious, you'd better not come to me either!" Hua Zishu's tone was very cold! He was busy dispensing medicine in the kitchen, not even looking at Qin Huaixiang!

Qin Huaixiang's heart was very sad! She didn't know what to do! Dad was still downstairs urging! She really wanted to refuse her father's offer with a hard heart! But then she hesitated! What her father had just said made sense! She was going to marry Gao Jianqiu, the third young man of the Gao Group in Zhejiang, because the two were strategic partners in business, and currently all five of the Qin family's hotels were experiencing a drop in turnover because of some accidents! At this time, the futures market and the storm, the original iron-clad money-making stocks in the twinkling of an eye, so he lost a lot of money! Lost as much as 300 million, which makes Qin Jun can not accept at once! The man has aged more than ten years!

He came to Qin Huaixiang, the purpose is to tell her this matter, hope she has a heart to prepare.

When Qin Huaixiang heard this news, it was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue! She was so shocked that she couldn't say a word and was in a trance! She suddenly remembered a good sister once told herself that the most unfortunate thing for the emperor's daughter is love! Because the princess has no love, the princess is only a bargaining chip in the emperor's hands to exchange for benefits! Qin Huixiang is definitely a princess! Therefore, it is destined that she has no love! Just a bargaining chip in her father's business world.

Qin Huaixiang could not help but feel a wave of sadness!

She slowly turned around! Not a word, carrying the luggage slowly to go out! Hua Zishu thought for a moment and suddenly walked out and said, "Please wait!"

Qin Huaixiang, who was just about to close the door, was stunned and said joyfully, "Is there anything else?"

"This pill can only save one person's life, you have to cherish it and take good care of yourself in the future! If you're not well, don't just run around! After I have prepared the medicine, if it is effective in treating this disease, I will leave the medicine here, you will come and get it, I will prepare the medicine, and I will leave after a while! We'll see each other later!" Although Hua Zishu had a million reluctances in his heart, he still pretended to look as if nothing was wrong.

Once Qin Huaixiang heard this, she reached out and silently took the pill, then nodded gently, swayed, carried her simple luggage, and slowly walked to the door, when she looked back! Hua Zishu, however, walked into the kitchen.

Hua Zishu dumbfounded squatting in the kitchen frying medicine! Only when he heard the sound of the car starting downstairs did he stand up, stand in front of the glass window and see the car slowly moving away. It was as if there was a smell of loss deep inside him!

He took a deep breath and settled his confused heart! Then he put his whole heart and soul into studying how to cure that virus!

Time was passing unnoticed.

He didn't know how many pairs of medicines he had decocted or poured, and he didn't stop from the afternoon to the night, and after using those herbs, he was left with the last one! He stared intently at this last pair of medicine, his brow vaguely visible his nervousness and worry!

This last attempt is he added arsenic, crane red, piercing mountain beetle and so on seven kinds of poisonous medicine insects put in the decoction! The amount and variety of poison added in the front are very low, but the effect is not obvious! But the other thing he was happy about was that he had already found out the "attacking poison with poison" treatment, and this last time, he put seven kinds of mutually restraining poisons into the decoction, but he didn't know how effective it would be.

The medicine was finally ready! He put the soup in the living room, in order to truly reflect the effect, he used the golden needle to seal several acupuncture points and suppress his true qi in the dantian! A few moments later, he began to feel the toxins in his body invading every organ in his body like crazy! Then, it concentrated towards his brain! There was a slight tingle coming from his throat, and he couldn't stand it for a while and started coughing! But... But this coughing could not be stopped at all!

Because the toxin has been suppressed in his body for a long time! The toxin also attacked more quickly!

At this time, Hua Zishu already felt his body burning, and abdominal pain, and worse, the head pain is very strong! And he had a desire to hit the wall! A gas that strongly forced him to go crazy raged in his mind.

Calmly, Hua Zishu already knew that life and death were on the line! Either he would be tortured to death by this toxin, or he would be poisoned to death by this bowl of seven kinds of poison!

He thought and did, broke the bowl without even frowning, and drank the bowl of medicine.

Once the poison was in his throat! He felt pain in his body and screamed! He fell on the sofa! Can not move at all, but, his nose, mouth is slowly flowing a lot of black long blood to.

I don't know how long it took!

He slowly opened his eyes, found himself on the floor, the first time, he immediately gave himself a pulse. As a result, the pulse was normal. All the symptoms on his body disappeared. His whole body wanted to shout with joy, but to be cautious, he still stabbed the vital points with a golden needle to liberate the sealed true qi. His strong true qi marched thirty-six circles in his body without the slightest abnormality, and now, he knew that this epidemic was estimated to be caused by an animal! He now immediately recorded all the portions of medicine, names, etc.! When he was done with all this. He just kept a smile on his face and looked at the starry sky outside, he realized he was a little hungry, he went back to the living room and looked at the time, it was now 23.15 late at night. He hadn't eaten yet! He had to cook himself something to eat!

Suddenly, a piercing siren sounded from far to near.

"Woo, woo, woo" the ear-piercing siren kept sounding! It seemed to stop right outside. He did not pay the slightest attention, he does not kill, two do not set fire, three do not commit adultery, four do not steal pickpocketing, what is afraid of ah! But he thought it was someone else near here who had fallen ill!

"Is anyone there?" The voice of someone shouting loudly came from downstairs.

Hua Zishu was flabbergasted and questioned, "Is it calling for me?"

"Knock, knock, knock," the sound of knocking on the door kept ringing. "Is anyone home?"

Hua Zishu's brow furrowed and he said, "Who's banging on the door? What time is it?"

He walked downstairs with his doubts, but saw a lot of police standing outside the door! There were also the lights of several police cars flashing outside constantly. There were some neighbors around to see what was going on! They were talking to each other. Hua Zishu's frown deepened! He opened the door before he could open his mouth to ask why, he heard the tall policeman standing at the door asking Hua Zishu seriously, "Sir, may I ask your name!"

"Hua Zishu!" Hua Zishu replied without thinking.

"Please take out your ID card and check it!" The tall and imposing policeman said with no expression, "We're just checking!"

Hua Zishu took out his ID card from his purse and handed it over!

The police officer took the ID card in Huazishu's hand, and then took a careful look at the light, and then looked up and took a careful look at Huazishu, and then said to the young man behind him who held his mouth and looked proud: "Captain Shang, not bad, this man is exactly Huazishu!" The man also took a look at him! Nodded his head, then said, "Ask him to get in the car!"

"Why? I haven't broken any laws! Why are you taking me to the police station?" Now Hua Zishu could hear clearly. He didn't know what he had done that he had to go to the police station.

"That's right, Mr. Hua, you're looking at us and arresting you! We are inviting you! Don't you talk nonsense! Don't be afraid that the police will sue you for slander and libel! The police also have the right to sue!" The policeman said humorously, and as soon as he said this, the surrounding policemen and neighbors all laughed.

The police officer glanced at Hua Zishu and said loudly: "Taking you to the police station does not mean that you broke the law, it may be that we invite you back to assist in the investigation, or simply that we want to invite you to the police station for a cup of coffee and a chat! But don't worry, we're not taking you to the police station today, we're taking you to another place where there's a man who wants to see you! You do not dawdle, get in the car! The guys are looking for you, they've turned the whole city of Yunhai upside down." After the young man said these words, turned to another police officer and said, "Damn, I caught him today, not eat him a few months of ringing, not let him spit out some blood, I do not surnamed Shang, that grandson is too unreasonable, when the official got rich, three years without meeting, a meeting will be tossed me into the kind, you say, tonight not ruthlessly kill him, we Still have the face to mix it!"

Hua Zishu sat in another car, listen to these people's tone of voice, there is like the people's police ah! Rather like those social hooligans and gangsters. He couldn't help but turn his head out the window.