Chinese and foreign rivalry (I)

As soon as Hua Zishu got off the bus, he saw four luxury buses parked right in front of the school, he was unsure, looking at the gate with a row of soldiers standing in full armor, he already understood that something major had happened at the school, but in time it was a police car, it was also mercilessly stopped by that soldier with a serious expression!

"Hey, you damn, I have been here for most of the hour, you are there! Come out quickly, I have brought you the man!" Shang Tai Suan said loudly with his cell phone: in fact, he was also in a depressed mood, in front of the main gate, actually stopped by these soldiers! It's really fucking unpleasant!

Hua Zishu stood by, feeling hungry and panicky, so simply sat down at the noodle store next to the gate not far away, asked for a bowl of three taels of beef noodles, not a moment later, to the noodles, greeting also did not play self-conscious eating up.

Waiting for Li Junhao stride out! Hua Zishu also finished eating noodles! Shang Taishan was about to go find a place to eat a meal, but Li Junhao hastily refused, he said: "No way! Now a large number of foreign doctors are coming to treat the more than 3,000 students infected in this school, I have to pay attention to their safety! Cut the crap, buddy, tonight's snack is on me, I have three thousand dollars here, you guys eat, not enough for you first, next time I'll treat!"

"Good! I will not be polite with you! I say, Brother Ho. Your men really do not give us face, actually blocked us a few brothers outside, not the slightest bit of love, powerful, powerful, I told him, I grew up with your chief in crotch pants, deep feelings! Give face! Guess what that soldier brother said!"

Li Junhao just faintly glanced at Hua Zishu, who had finished eating noodles, and then asked, "How to say it!"

"You just grew up with our commander in crotch pants, the same can't be done without an order from your superiors! Holy shit, you guys are good! Dude, I broke your balls, we'll leave the guy to you, next time, on me, brother! Bye!" Shangtai Shirt gave him a U.S. military salute, then got in his car, took off his police lights, and left.

When Li Junhao saw the dude go, he breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and asked, "You're Hua Zishu!"

"As fake," Hua Zishu replied, and then turned to the noodle store owner next to the gate and asked, "Boss, how much!"

"Six dollars!" The noodle store owner answered without even thinking about it.

Hua Zishu looked at Li Junhao and asked, "You're the one looking for me!"

"Sort of I'm looking for you!" Li Junhao is not a stupid person! He saw this teenager from his head to his feet, and there was not the slightest place that could resemble the touch of a divine doctor! He seemed to wonder if these grandsons had the wrong person! However, when he took out the photo and compared it, the person was right! I just don't know if it's a miracle doctor! Then he shook his head in self-deprecation and said, "A miracle doctor!"

The moment Hua Zishu saw his appearance, he said, "Your people are looking for me very closely, I did not bring my wallet out, you go to help me pay for the noodles!" As soon as the words were finished, he headed inside the school gate.

Li Junhao was flabbergasted and blurted out, "Holy shit. What has this become! You want me to pay for this bowl of noodles too!"

Hua Zishu didn't say a word, but in his heart he was thinking, "I want to see how these foreign doctors treat this plague! Humph!

He also ignored Li Junhao's shouting behind him.

Li Junhao was so depressed that he gave all the money to the buddy, and there didn't seem to be any change in his purse, so he made a fool of himself! He turned red and asked to the soldier standing guard, "Do you have six dollars on you?"

"Report chief, yes!"

"When you get off duty, don't forget to make up the money for me! Then go to the division office and get an extra six dollars, and I'll go say hello to him." He then said at the boss, "Sorry, the money was just taken away! He'll give it to you later when he's laid off!"

Li Junhao called his sister while catching up with Hua Zishu! Hua Zishu did not say a word! Just look at the campus, the crowd is sparse, many small stores have been closed! The sparse students came out for a few laps and also went back to their dormitories, almost not a single student could be seen in every place.

"I heard that Miss Lin Shi was saved by you!" Li Jun Hao and Hua Zishu walked side by side, he asked.

Hua Zishu shook his head and said, "I don't know any Miss Lin Shi!"

Li Junhao ate a closed door, he 'hey' said: "Didn't they all say that you saved Miss Lin Shi?"

Only then did Hua Zishu understand that the Miss Lin Shi this colonel officer was talking about was the Miss Lin Shi! He did not admit or reject it, stopped, turned his head and asked, "What do you want from me!"

"I heard that you have a solution to the current plague! So, we invited you to come and cure the students here!" These words were taught to him by his sister, and he really didn't know how to speak properly! He said, "**, this kind of behavior, if it were my soldier, I'd train him to look at me and be afraid!"

Hua Zishu sneered: "Invitation, hum, I think, is almost kidnapping!"

Li Junhao said, "That's not my business!"

Hua Zishu added: "Didn't you invite the International Red Cross? With them around, do you still need me?"

Li Junhao was stunned and said with a twist of the brain, "Oh, they are uninvited, I follow orders, there is no way!"

Hua Zishu was about to speak.

Li Junhao now did not have the slightest as a big official, politely asked: "Do you want to go to the quarantine area to see how sick the students are, those foreign doctors are treating the students!"

Hua Zishu thought about it and said, "It's late! I'm tired, I want to go back to bed! By the way, I was invited by you, how is my accommodation arranged!"

"It's already been arranged for you! This way please!" Li Junhao cursed his sister a thousand times in his heart, how dare he ask himself to entertain such a guy! It's just a trick! If this person is really capable, this is nothing, if this person is just a guy who does not know anything, then I will be embarrassed.

Li Junhao arranged Hua Zishu to the school's first-class hotel. Waiting for him to sleep! Only then did he come out! As soon as he came out, he saw Li Junyi and Zhang Xin'er both standing on the other side of the aisle!

"Brother, did you find them!"

"What kind of person is this? If he was one of my soldiers, I wouldn't have smoked him! What an attitude!" Li Junhao had a stomach full of anger.

Zhang Xin'er laughed: "He is the number one wonder of our school, naturally he has some eccentric temper, you ah, don't be angry!"

Li Junyi said fiercely, "How dare you! I'll make it clear to you first, no matter what, you have to be more polite to him, you are not allowed to have the slightest infringement on him! You know what, if you offend him! Don't blame me for not talking to you about brotherhood and sisterhood! Don't blame me for turning my back on you then!"

Zhang Xin'er then froze and seemed to understand that the rumor at school said that Hua Zishu was Li Junyi's boyfriend! Now it seems that it is really true! It is estimated that the girl likes Hua Zishu more! If, in case, he is Hua Tian Xiang, what should I do!

Li Junhao is a lieutenant colonel, but he doesn't have any authority! If this is said, I still need to mix me! He suddenly remembered the tone of this girl just talking to himself, as if, just now that boy to be more important than me! For his sake, this girl actually turned against me! I don't smoke him ... bad, could it be that the second sister likes this dead boy! Oh God! Then Luo Min kid can be finished.

"Let's go! Don't wake him up! Let him have a good rest and talk about it tomorrow!" Zhang Xin'er pushed them both.

Hua Zishu hadn't slept at all! He stayed in the dormitory, thinking about his life in this school, little by little! His heart was very melancholy, however, listening to his mouth that this school was actually infected with as many as three thousand people, this number was too scary. He felt more or less guilty in his heart.

What he wants to know now is what happened to Huang Tiansheng! Unfortunately, there was no Huang Tiansheng among the dead, so long, but there was no news of his death! It was really hard to believe to say.

He didn't feel any sleepiness, so he had to get dressed and leave the room, saying to the soldier standing guard at the entrance, "I'm going for a walk!" After the soldier agreed, he walked slowly around the school. This disease can already be cured by itself! But will the seven kinds of poison together have after-effects on the human body, will it cure this disease and come another one.

He was guessing whether this treatment would cause some sequelae in the end, when he saw two tall foreigners sitting on a stone table in a corner, drinking wine while communicating in English!

He thought about it and walked over generously, deliberately greeted them in Chinese, two tall foreigners in white coats, a glance at him, immediately put on the mask, and repeatedly said in English you are out of there! You quickly go back, do not come out of the mess, beware of infected us" Hua Zishu heart fire, but, still with a smile on their face to say goodbye, and then say this Chinese two, three years old children will say: "fuck you mother"

Foreigners in time can understand Chinese, but also can not understand many Chinese local language! The two foreigners saw Hua Zishu walking away! They both took off their masks and started talking again!

"This Chinese people's disease is really strange! It looks like ordinary pneumonia, but why can't they treat it, but have a serious condition instead! The autopsy of the dead man revealed some black things in the patient's lungs! But those black things have died, there is no way to find anything! What kind of disease do you think this is on the ground!"

"The Chinese called him flu number six, the patient did not die from the lungs, but from the brain!" Another doctor said.

"And can you cure this disease! We organized eighty-one doctors to come to this country that is economically, militarily powerful in every way! Just to prove that Western medicine is better than this Chinese herbal medicine! Now, according to my guess, our people here can be said to be helpless against this plague! The two American experts are still in the lab discussing it endlessly, it's ridiculous! I think we'd better propose to go back to our country immediately, lest we have to go to God if we catch this disease in this country!"

"Alas, the dreaded flu number six!"

"Why do they call it flu number six! That's a weird name!"

"It's Chinese writing, so it's not surprising that you can't understand it! How many countries in the world can figure out a Chinese invented script! But! Except for the Chinese! Since I've been attending Chinese language courses, I think anyone in the world who can learn Chinese is a genius, so the Chinese are all geniuses!"

"Hans, are you planning to go back to your country!"

"Yes, there's nothing we can do about this disease! Are you going to tell me to stay here and get infected before I go back to the British Empire! Do you want me to take this disease back with me? Do you want to see the British people crying, you damned fool! God! Have mercy!"

"Wrong, you should ask the Goddess of Mercy, this is China, God He won't come here! He can't hear your prayers! You have to learn from me, you should, the Great Compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva ..."

Hua Zishu heard this, all laughing extraordinary, he then understood that the original foreigners also take this plague can do nothing! If you are not a bit more courageous! I'm afraid there is no cure for it! Tomorrow, I'll show you western arrogant maniacs the wonders of Chinese herbal medicine! He stood up, looked at the two Englishmen! He slowly went back to his dormitory.